Chapter 27-Missing kids and Worry

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Based on 4x06, "The Instincts."

Trigger Warnings: Talks of possible Pedophile. Deaths of a child. 

They had just gotten a case in Las Vegas. They had just gotten on the jet and we're in the air, as they were debriefing everybody noticed Reid had fallen asleep. Everybody raised an eyebrow seeing as he had never fallen asleep during a case briefing before. "Reid." Ryan called out from his seat next to Prentiss. 

When that didn't work Rossi who was sitting next to him on the bench hit him slightly with her leg. Reid woke up with that and sat up, rubbing his face and noticing everybody looking at him. "Sorry, I was dreaming." Reid said. "Ha, No kidding." Emily chuckled. 

"Sounds like it was an intense one." Ryan commented. Reid nodded, "It was." He said, "We found a six year old boy abused and stabbed." Reid said before looking over at JJ who was sitting in a chair next to the bench. "This is gonna sound weird but, you're baby was at the crime scene. I was trying to get him out of there." He explained. Ryan raised an eyebrow, That is weird. "Have you had dreams like this before Reid?" Ryan asked. 

Reid shook his head, "No I mean I've had nightmares before, but nothing like this." Reid responded. "You know, Reid, simple dream analysis...if there's a baby in your dreams, that baby's actually you." Morgan who was sitting on the arm of a chair suggested. "I don't believe in dream analysis." Reid said. 

"I don't know." Hotch cut in. "It makes sense. The case we're working on and the case in your dream both involve children. Maybe you're subconscious is telling you, you want to sit this one out." Reid shook his head, "I don't." He said firmly. 

"Well, maybe you're just stressed out about going home to Las Vegas." Emily suggested. Ryan nodded "That's true, it could be just that." He said. "When was the last time when you came back?" Ryan asked further. Reid shook his head, "It's been awhile." He responded. 

"Did you tell you're mother you were coming?" Emily asked. Reid avoided the question, "Why aren't we reviewing the case files?" He asked. I'll take that as a no. Ryan thought. "I don't know. Maybe because someone fell asleep on the jet." Emily pointed out. Everybody chuckled a little, including Reid. 

"All right, let's start from the beginning one more time." Hotch instructs and Everybody looks at their files. Ryan eyes sadden at the picture of the young boy who's their victim. This cases were always tough for him. "This is Ethan Hayes. He was five and two weeks ago he was abducted out of his own front yard." JJ explains. 

"Where were his parents?" Ryan asked. "His mom just ran inside to grab her purse. When she came back, he was gone." JJ explained. "She wasn't away for more than a minute or two. Police found his body exactly one week later in the desert." JJ added. 

"He was in a new change of clothes. His nails clipped. His hair was combed." JJ finished. "That's a lot of remorse." Rossi said. "Was there anything to suggest he was molested?" Ryan asked. Hotch shook his head, "No, no sign of sexual assault. Medical reports suggests he was smothered." Hotch informed. "Unsub could see this death as merciful." He added. 

"Who's the new boy?" Emily asked. "Micheal Bridges." JJ responded, handing her a picture of the boy. Ryan looked at the picture along with Emily. "Yesterday he set out to walk by himself to a friend's house a block away. He never showed up." JJ explained. 

"Are we sure these cases are even connected?" Reid asked. "The unsub called each of the families." JJ explained. "But no ransom demand." Rossi added. "It was more like taunts. He's telling them it's their fault that their child was taken." JJ informed. 

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