Chapter 15- Confrontations and injuries

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Trigger Warnings: Talks of Cannabilism, Stalking, and Mutilation.

They arrived at the home of the newest victim. JJ and Reid stayed behind to work on the tipline, and to help process the evidence. No one said anything on the drive over, still unsettled by their recent deduction. The house was in the East Deering neighborhood. Fits the unsub's comfort zone of near the Portland Harbor.

 Lockheart met them when they went inside the house, "The victims name is Chelsea Paterson, aged 30. Matches the other victims, her arms and organs removed." Lockheart explains. Hotch nodded to Ryan, Prentiss, and Morgan who went up to the bedroom. 

Once they arrived, Ryan immediately wished he had packed nose plugs. "Uhh." All three of the agents complained. "Smells like she's been here awhile." Morgan said. The coroner who was examining the body said 'Actually she's only been here for 24 hours, the smell I would say is more associated with the wounds from the amputation and the surgical type removal of the organs." 

It was a ghastly site, The women Chelsea Paterson was still on the bed. Blood was everywhere, and the worst thing was her eyes were open. Stomach was cut open and the limbs were removed with almost Surgical precision. That got Ryan thinking. 

"Doc, do you think this could have been done by someone with medical training?" He asked. The Coroner nodded his head, "Not only do I think so, I'd say it's a guarantee that you're killer spent some time in med school and knows his anatomy." The three agents looked at each other. 

"Another thing we can add to the profile." Ryan said. Emily nodded " Medical training. " "Do fisherman even get medical training?" Morgan asked. "Sometimes, I had a buddy who liked to fish. He told me some fisherman are taught first aid in case something happens when they're on a voyage." 

Emily hummed "So we could still be looking for a fisherman." She assumed. Ryan nodded while looking at where the victims head is positioned. Ryan noticed something, the victim looked as if she was looking at something. Ryan went next to the victims head to look at where she was looking. 

 Morgan looked at him curiously "You see something Ryan?" Ryan kept on looking in the direction. "The victims head is turned towards the window." Ryan partly explained. He then went to look out the window it had a view of the water, the harbor, and some electrical lines.

Prentiss looked herself then noted "So we're the other victims heads, turned towards the windows in their own bedrooms. "All the victims had ketamine in their systems, enough to paralyze them." Morgan said, understanding what Ryan was getting at now. "So I doubt their heads moved of their own accord." Ryan stated. 

 "So this unsub positions their heads to look out the window, why?" Emily asked. Ryan shook his head "Maybe it's a freedom thing. The outside world is freedom and he wants his victim to see that they'll never have it again." "It fits into his need for power and control." Morgan said.

Ryan then walked out into the hallway and noticed the hatch to the attic. Morgan and Prentiss joined him. "Any chance one of you wants to take a look?" Ryan asked, not really wanting to go back into another attic. Morgan and Emily pretended to think before Morgan said "Well since you found the first one..." Morgan trailed off. " It only makes sense that you search the second one also. " Emily finished holding her arm out dramatically to the ladder that lead to the attic.

Ryan gave her a less than amused look before getting on the ladder. "Just for that you're driving halfway to Philly first on Friday." Ryan said as he's climbed up into the attic, not leaving room for argument. Emily had a disbelieving look on her face while Morgan chuckled but clamed up when Prentiss turned to him.

Ryan looked around the attic. It was just like Charles Philip's attic, clean and there was a sleeping bag with empty supply cans in it. He then calculated where the bedroom was and went up to the spot above it. And what do you know a hole. Ryan peeked through it and same thing as Philip's apartment perfect view of the bed. 

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