Chapter 45-Exposure and Reconciliation.

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Trigger Warnings:Talks of abduction, torture, genital mutilation, sexual assault, child abuse, Bullying, Pedophilia and spousal abuse, Suicide, and mentions of panic attacks. This whole chapter is a trigger warning.

Hotch and Rossi had gone over to Mitchell's residence and were now talking to the others on the phone. "It looks like Mitchell didn't even make it to his front porch. The unsub must have surprised him as he got out of his car." Hotch said. "It had to have been last night after he left his interview with us." Rossi spoke next. 

Ryan scoffed in his seat, They were all in the conference room sitting at the table. "Yeah, he was probably about to skip town." He said. "He knew that it was only a matter of time before we figured out his whole pedophile group." JJ concurred. "But the unsub got to him before he could." Reid then said. 

There was then a knock at the door, and the agents in the conference room turned and saw that it was Burke. He came in and closed the door, "I need to show you all something." He said and then sat down. "I thought that the name Mandy or Amanda Braverman sounded familiar, so I went digging through old Police files, and I found this." He explained and put a file on the table.

Ryan grabbed it and opened it. As soon as he saw the contents, his eyes widened. "On my god. Mandy filed a police report." He announced and handed it to Emily. Morgan and JJ read it over her shoulder. "Holy crap." JJ said. "So she reported it." Reid said. 

 "What does the file say exactly, guys?" Rossi asked on the phone. "She says the whole bit, guys. About Mitchell, Shepherd, Voight, Jackson, and Wilson. About how they lured her to a condo, drugged her, and raped her. Details are hazy, but she says that she was raped." Morgan summarized.

Emily skimmed through the file and looked for other papers in the file but found there was none. "Wait a minute, there's only her statement but nothing else. No follow-up, no interview notes. Not even an official aftermath report." She said. "It's like they took her statement but didn't do anything after that." JJ said.

"Not only that. Look who took her statement." Burke suggested. They all looked at the bottom where the officer's statement was. Officer Koblansky. "Koblansky took her statement?" Reid asked.

Ryan looked out the conference room doors towards Koblanski's office before looking back at the team. "Looks like we need to go have a talk with Koblansky. Hotch, Rossi, we'll call you back." Ryan said. "Christensen, don't do anything -" Hotch was cut off by Ryan hanging up the phone.

The others looked at him like he was crazy, "You just hung up on Hotch." Reid stated. Ryan ignored him and grabbed the picture, journal, paper, and the police file, "Come on." He basically ordered. Emily sighed, but she followed him along with the rest to Koblansky's office.

Ryan knocked on the door and opened it without waiting for an answer. Koblansky was on the phone and turned to see the team plus Burke come into his office, "I'm on the phone agents-" He was cut off by Ryan opening the police file and slamming it on his desk. Koblanski took one look at the file, and his whole face dropped.

"I'm gonna need to call you back." He said and hung up the phone. He looked at them, "What do you want to know?" He asked, resigned. Ryan looked at him with a hard stare, "Tell us everything from the beginning." Ryan instructed. Morgan and Emily were also giving Koblansky hard stares, Burke had a cautious but almost suspicious look on him.

Koblansky sighed, "It was 1992. I was almost a detective about to get his gold shield, and one day, a young woman, a high school student, walks in, saying she wants to report a rape, her own." He started to explain before looking down in what Ryan perceived as shame.

"So I sat down with her and a female officer and took her statement. She told me about these 5 guys who were involved with a tutor organization that she was a part of. They befriended her. One night, they told her that there was a party. They picked her up at her house, Along the way, they gave her some water that must have been laced with something. The rest of the details are pretty hazy after that, but she blacked in and blacked out of consciousness. She said that she remembered seeing all five guys surrounding her, and each time she had moments of lucidity, she came to each guy taking her. After they were done. They took her home and the morning after she knew what had happened and she came straight to the police." Koblansky explained.

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