Chapter 37-Secret Santa, Card Games, and Tradition

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It was two days before Christmas, and the team was doing paperwork. They were all ready for the holidays, especially Ryan and Emily. A couple of days earlier, Emily and Ryan, along with Tyler and Emma, had put up the Christmas tree in the Christensen household. Tyler and Emma were ecstatic that Emily were gonna spend Christmas with them. Even asking if she would spend the night over Christmas, so that they could open presents with her. Emily happily agreed.

For Ryan, Christmas has always been his favorite season. The joy, positivity of it. Even when he was a child, he loved it. He was also glad that the kids were excited, especially after the difficulties of last year when it was the first Christmas without Linda. Ryan tried not to dwell on that. 

Anyway, with the team doing paperwork before the holidays, I also holding a secret Santa for later in the day. They also started talking about Christmas plans. "I'm going up to Chicago. Spend Christmas with my mom and sisters." Morgan informed.

"That's nice." Ryan said. Morgan nodded, "You're telling me. One of the few times we get off from this job, and I'm not gonna waste it." He said. Ryan then looked to Reid. "What about you, doc?" He asked.

"I think I may go to Vegas, spend it with my mom. I was also thinking of using a couple of vacation days to spend more time with her." Reid said. Ryan nodded, "That's good, doc. Have you spent any time with her since...the Riley Jenkins case?" He asked next.

Reid shook his head, "No. which is why I feel like I should take some time and just visit her." He explained.  Ryan nodded, glad that Reid was taking some time away from his work and focusing on family.

Morgan then turned to Emily, "Do I even have to ask what your plans are, Prentiss?" He asked, albeit teasingly.  He and Garcia had a pool with Rossi, Reid, and Todd on whether or not Emily would admit to spending Christmas with Ryan and the kids.

Emily turned to him. "Yes, Morgan, I plan on spending it with Ryan, Tyler, and Emma." Morgan whooped, Garcia came into the bullpen, and Ryan called out to her, "Garcia, you and Morgan won the pool." He informed.

Garcia couldn't keep the giddy look off her face. Or stop herself from doing the awesome sigh with her arm. "Yes. Thank you, Ryan." She said as she continued walking. Ryan and Emily shared an amused look and went back to their paperwork.

Morgan laughed jubilant as Reid handed over the dough. Rossi came out of his office and gave Morgan his share. "I would've for sure thought you would tell them to mind their own business." Rossi said to Prentiss. Ryan and Emily laughed. "Hey Rossi. What are your plans for Christmas?"  Ryan asked. 

Rossi shook his head, "Can't say I have any, really. It's snowing like heck in New York. So my nephew can't fly out. My brother is spending Christmas with his wives family. So I was thinking I'd volunteer at a shelter or something." He said. Ryan felt sad for Rossi and then decided to offer. "How would you like to spend it in the Christensen household?" 

Rossi looked surprise at the offer and shook his head, "I don't want to impose." He said. "Don't look at it as imposing. Think of it as spending time with close friends and two kids who would love to spend time with their grandpa Rossi." Ryan said with a smile. Rossi grumbled at the word grandpa while the rest of the team chuckled. Tyler and Emma had taken to calling Rossi their honorary grandfather. However, despite his annoyance , he did nod, "Okay. I guess that means I should come to your Christmas party?" He asked. 

Ryan nodded, "I'll make sure to add an extra plate to the table." He said. He then also turned to Morgan and Reid, "You know you two are also welcome to come to the party." He offered. "I would love to Ryan, but my flight leaves early in the afternoon, tomorrow." Morgan said. "And I still need to pack for my trip. I'm leaving at about the same time." Reid informed. 

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