Chapter 25-Pyromaniac and Escalation

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Trigger Warnings: Talk of burns and being burned alive, Spousal abuse.

It had been slow recently when it came to cases. The BAU had been called for consults but they had not traveled really since the case in California awhile ago. They were in the office and Ryan had gone to get coffee and Prentiss followed him. 

She had ultimately decided to get back at him for his dream tease. They have both engaged in this little cat and mouse teasing, battle of wills thing for about a week now. They always do it quietly, never in front of the team as they would most likely interpret it wrong. 

"You know I had a thought." Emily said as Ryan poured his coffee. "I'm sure you have." Ryan said, having a feeling where this was going. "What if the amount of pleasure we gain from sex has to do with the person we're doing it with." Emily started.

Ryan didn't react right away. He knew what she was doing, part of their tit for tat is seeing who can one another to blush the most. "I mean if we were doing it with a stranger, it probably wouldn't be as pleasurable." Emily paused for dramatic effect. She then moved a little closer to Ryan as if to maker her point, "Yet if we were to have sex with someone who we know and love. The pleasure goes up maybe 50% or lower or higher." Emily finished. 

Two can play at this game . "So if we make love to someone who we are close too, it's more pleasurable. Like you're best friend for example?" Ryan asked with a neutral face. Emily felt her face heat up. He's trying to get me to blush, I won't give you the satisfaction Ryan. This round is mine. 

Emily kept her face neutral "Well I guess best friends sleeping together would probably push the pleasure factor up quite a bit." She said while tugging a hair behind her ear. Ryan noticed. I've got you now Em. "So if you and I we're to as they put it "Jump in the sack" the pleasure would be ten fold." Ryan said. Emily didn't say anything but she could tell her cheeks were getting harder Ryan added "Should we do it tonight to test you're theory out?" Ryan asked.

 Emily was too stunned to say anything. Her cheeks turned a nice shade of pink. Ryan then leaned in, "You blushed, I win." Ryan said with a satisfied smirk on his face. Emily narrowed her eyes at him, "Fine but I'll get you next time." She said, pointing her finger at him. Ryan fiddled with her finger, "I'm sure you will." He said before going back to his desk.

 He sat down at his desk still wearing the smirk. The others noticed it of course, "Whoa, what's with that smirk?" Morgan asked. Ryan shook his head, "Oh, no reason." He responded. Emily then came back and sat down at her desk. JJ came out of her office and looked at Emily, "You okay Prentiss, you look a little flushed." She asked. 

Emily looked up at her, "What?" Reid looked at her, "You're face is all red, are you getting sick?" He asked. Emily didn't miss the almost proud look on Ryan's face. Remember Ryan payback's a bitch. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just a little hot right now." She said, the last part pointed at Ryan. 

JJ nodded unsure, "Uh huh, well we got a case." She announced. Everybody headed towards the conference room. "Where are we going this time?" Ryan asked. "Fargo, North Dakota." JJ informed. 

"Ah I wonder if we'll be able to see the Badlands." Morgan asked, albeit jokingly. "Always wanted to see those lands." Ryan said as they sat down. "You know the name is kind of a misnomer since the lands aren't bad, but the Lakota tribe use to call the lands "Mako Sica" which translates to badlands." Reid said with a proud smile. 

"Huh, that's actually very interesting, Reid." Ryan said, meaning it. "They're beautiful pieces of land." Rossi who had come in in the middle of conversation commented. "Let's get started." Hotch said as he sat down. 

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