Chapter 10- Surprises and Memories

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This will be based on 3x16 "Elephant's Memory" 

It's been an interesting first week for Ryan Christensen since he started working at the BAU. Even though he was worried he had found his rhythm and the more time he worked there the more he loved it. Especially with the people, Ryan had come to adore his coworkers. Of course with Emily it was like when they worked together on the task force except they were just traveling to different states instead of different countries. He and Emily had falling into a routine where they would come to work and then if they didn't have a case Emily would come over and have dinner with the kids, some nights she would have to stay late at the BAU but other nights she would have dinner and on some mornings she would have breakfast also with them. 

Ryan and Morgan had also gotten closer. Despite the hiccups Morgan and Ryan gave each other on the last case they each had a mutual respect for each other. He just wish Morgan would stop bragging about his love life.

With JJ, Ryan had found the woman to be a sweet and valuable member of the team. Besides Emily he found that she was another person he could have an easy conversation with. He also had a lot of respect for her with the way she dealt with the press. Ryan always had a dislike of the press, so he was always thinking better them than me when it came to them. 

Reid was someone Ryan liked and respected. Though he had to get used to Spencer's rambling and he made sure not to use metaphors around him. 

Then there was Garcia. Ryan had grown fond of all his teammates but Garcia had a special place in his heart. The woman was a sweet and loving person and Ryan found himself amazed that she could do the job she had to do sometimes and still remain the same colorful person that she was. Also seeing her and Morgan's banter had him asking Prentiss if they were together and she explained that was just their banter. 

They were currently in the office working on paperwork. "Sometimes I feel like I'm doing more paperwork here than I did when I was in Baltimore." Emily laughed "Well some would argue we do a lot more work here than a head of a field office does." Ryan looked at her with narrowed eyes, "You saying heads of field offices have it easy?" he asked. 

"Oh no I'm sure having you're own office is a tragedy." Emily responded light-heartedly, "Or having you're own team." Morgan said, "Oh yeah and we also have to deal with Politicians and bureaucrats, let me ask you Emily does that sound like something you'd want to do." Emily shook her head "Hell No." Ryan nodded "Uh huh, besides knowing you you probably wouldn't last if you did." Ryan challenged,  Emily mocked gasped "I can work with politicians if I need to." She responded. 

Ryan scoffed "Yeah right." Emily narrowed her eyes "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that buster." "Okay." Ryan said, "Besides you have no leg to stand on in that department Mr. "Last time I checked this said FBI not Baltimore pd I don't have to show you dick." Emily continued with her best Ryan impression. Morgan laughed "She's got you there Christensen."

Ryan fixed him with a look before he turned back to Emily, "Okay first of all the impression uncanny, secondly that Deputy Chief shouldn't count as he turned out to be a dirt bag." Prentiss "Still counts." "No he doesn't." "Yes it does." Ryan shook his head at Prentiss, "What are you five." "Only when I'm around you Ryan." Emily responded cheekly. Ryan chuckled while Morgan gave them both a look.

Like the team he had gotten used to their banter. Though of course they had also taken note of the flirty nature of it. There was a running bet going on as to how long it would take for them to get together. Though at this point no one was winning. 

It was at that point that JJ came out of her office "We got a case Hotch needs in the conference room." Everybody sighed "Here I thought I'd be able to get out of here before it turns A.M." Emily chuckled "Oh come on Ryan it's the BAU you'll get used to it newbie." She responded, "Don't call me newbie!" Ryan said though you could see the amusement in his eyes. Morgan rolled his eyes as they walked up the catwalk.

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