Chapter 14-Terror and Ripper

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Trigger warnings: Talks of mutilation, Cannibalism and stalking.

It was the Tuesday before Emily and Ryan would leave for the weekend they had planned with the kids. They were currently having breakfast with Tyler and Emma, who were beyond excited for the weekend. 

"Is there any chance that it can be Friday, so that we can leave already?" Emma asked, Emily tried to contain her amusement "Time doesn't really work that way sweetie." She responded. "Well it should." The three year old said. Both Emily and Ryan couldn't help but laugh. 

"I can't wait, did you know Philadelphia was where Benjamin Franklin was born and raised." Tyler said, one of the things both Ryan and Emily have discovered since he started kindergarten is that he has a love for history. Especially early American history. 

"Yes, I did know that Tyler." Emily said smiling. She loved how whenever he learned new information, he was always so excited to share it with Ryan and her. He was almost like a mini-Spencer that way except he didn't really ramble. 

"Do you think we'll have to go see the bell for liberty while we're in Philadelphia?" Tyler asked. "I'm sure we can make the time, I just hope you guys are ready to do a lot of walking around." Emily said. They both nodded their heads. 

Emily went up to get some more coffee from the kitchen. Ryan followed her "You know, you're gonna have to stop getting their hopes up, that we're gonna see everything there is to see in Philly." He told her 

Emily scoffed as she poured the coffee "Come on. It's not like I promise them that we were gonna see everything." She said before she went over to get splenda. "Yeah but this weekend is gonna be good no matter what and I don't want them to feel disappointed if we don't end up seeing everything. Especially since Saturday we're gonna spend all day at the cultural festival." Ryan pointed out.

Emily rolled her eyes playfully. "They will enjoy it no matter what we see. Stop worrying, really it's gonna be great." She finished tucking a hair behind her ear. Ryan nodded "You're right. You're always right." "Don't you forget it." Emily responded patting him on the shoulder, before going back out to the dining room.

Ryan after looking at his watch went back out to the dining room and announced "Okay guys it's almost time to go. Why don't you both go get you're stuff." They're started to get up and Emma asked " Can Emily ride with us when you take me to Preschool. " Before Ryan could respond Emily laughed "I would love too Emma. But I need to drive myself into work." She explained to the preschooler "Why you and Daddy work at the same place you can drive together. " Emma responded.

Emily shot Ryan an amused look "Yeah that's true, but I already drove my car here to have breakfast with you all. Wouldn't make much sense If I just left it here would it?" Emily said. Emma looked like she was thinking before ultimately saying " No I guess not. " Emma stated though giving Emily her puppy dog eyes.

Emily's heart melted and she picked Emma up and hugged her "I promise you I will ride with you and you're dad to daycare one day. But until then you will have plenty of riding time with me on Friday, and we're gonna have fun then right?" Emily said with a lot of enthusiasm in her voice on the last part.

Ryan and Emily had decided that instead of taking a plane they would just drive to Philadelphia since it was only 3 hours. Of course as much as the kids were excited to see the city they were also excited for the car ride. They saw it as being able to see nature along the highways. Probably because that's how Emily described it. 

Emma nodded excitedly with blonde hair bouncing around her face. Emily laughed and say her down "Okay. Now go get your bag sweetie." Once Emma was out of site. Emily Turned to Ryan "Don't worry, that was a promise, and I intend to keep it." Ryan nodded

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