Chapter 32-Golden Ratio and Traps

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Continuation of 4x08 "Memoriam" 

Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping, Stalking, threats to children, and mentions of use of acid.

As soon as Rossi came out of the interrogation room, They ran straight to Garcia's lair where the others were. Reid opened the door, "He said one of them is already dead." He announced as they came up to Hotch and Garcia huddled around a computer. "One of the five." Rossi added. 

"There are only three children." Hotch informed. It was then that Ryan, Reid, an Rossi saw what Hotch and the others were looking at. It was them. Kaylee Robinson and three children. They were in some sort of chamber, it looked underground. They were all standing in specific spots wearing gas masks. "Is this them?" Reid questioned. "Who else could it be?" Ryan asked back. 

"An anonymous site emailed it to me." Garcia said. "He said one will die every 2 hours, not all five in ten." Rossi said. He sighed, "When he said 10 hours, I just assumed--" Ryan interrupted Rossi. "We all did Rossi, it's not your fault." He said. "It's a chess game, he's 2 moves ahead." Reid said next. 

"Let's not get diverted. How we doing with the seven missing woman?" Hotch asked. Garcia typed on her computer. "Huh. So far, I've got 39 missing brunettes in central Virginia." She informed. "Garcia, look at 30 years old like Kaylee." Ryan said. "Narcissists like him stick to a pattern." He added. Garcia typed, "28." She said. 

"He said he's been working on this for 5 years." Rossi said next. Garcia typed again. "Over the last 5 years, 17." She informed. "All right, if he thinks he's going to jail for even one of the original seven homicides, maybe he'll tell us where the rest of them are." Hotch suggested. "Make a deal." Ryan said. Hotch nodded, "How long do we have until the next one?" He asked. "One hour, 48 minutes." Reid responded. Good, no pressure. Ryan thought. 

Hotch started to walk out before turning back. "Dave, can I speak to you for a second?" He asked. Rossi followed him out. Emily turned to look at Ryan. He locked eyes with her and she motioned her head outside. He nodded and he left first and she left a little bit afterwards. 

Once they were out in the hallway, Emily looked at him. "Are you okay?" She asked. Ryan nodded, "Yeah I am." He said. He didn't feel alright but he was trying to focus on the task at hand. All that matter right now, was saving Kaylee and the three kids left. Ryan could deal with his...Issues afterwards. Emily didn't quite see it that way. 

"Ryan, I saw how that interrogation affected you." Emily said. Ryan sighed, "Emily we don't really have time for this." He deflected. "Ryan, you don't have to go through this alone." She said. "Emily, can we please just go back in there and find something that can help us rescue Kaylee and the kids? Please?" He asked, exasperated. 

Emily didn't say anything for a few moments before nodding, "Fine. But we're not done here." She said before walking back into the room. Ryan exhaled, sometimes he forgot that Emily could be just as stubborn as he was. Ryan then went back into the room. 


They were in the conference room now. They we're going over files of missing woman to try and find the seven woman Rothschild killed. All the while they had a laptop on the table that showed Kaylee and the kids, so that they could see if anything happened. So far they had found 5 victims and we're looking for the sixth and seventh victim. 

"Margaret Peters, another Gloucester Point. Disappeared in 2006 on her way to work. Last seen at the coffee shop, she went to every morning." Hotch read off a file. He was sitting at the table with Ryan and Emily. "She fits." Ryan said. "Check." Garcia said, writing her down on the board. "That's number six. we need one more." Reid said. He was standing up to the side of Hotch.

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