Hero or Heartless?

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 Dream was no better than the person who bites the hand that feeds him. He put someone who saved his life into a prison that he designed. He didn't have a choice. He had a literal bomb placed in my neck the second he became a sidekick. It was in place to stop rogue heroes who were too powerful or too influential to let go. He didn't believe that when they told him it. He still allowed them to do as they pleased.

He wasn't always a hero. He was an orphan who lost his parents in a fire when he was seven and his sister was only one. The siblings drifted from orphanage to orphanage for years. They got adopted by a nice couple, whose son lost his battle with depression. They were wonderful parents. He stayed with them until he was ten. He would have lived with them forever if it wasn't the academy.

They showed up on my new parents doorstep one day. His birth mother had made a deal with these people when she was in a desperate place. She needed money, so she handed over her son's freedom to become a hero as soon as he was of age. He had to pack his bags and go with them. He was moved into the Hero Academy and began training. He was disappointed to see all these kids who had powers that he could only dream of. That was where he had got his name

He had dreamed of having powers so he chose his hero name to be Dream. It felt fitting with his constant feelings of jealous since he was completely average compared to everyone there.

He managed to catch the attention of Fundy and Schlatt, before he even went on my first mission. Number one and Number two. They were so young too. Fundy was nineteen and Schlatt was twenty-one. Fundy took Dream under his wing until Schlatt warmed up to the blonde. Eventually Dream got to go out on missions with them. They took him on small missions against people like Manifold and the one they called Scar. It was never a big name villain. They would order Dream to stay put in their office and monitor the mission through the cameras, when they fought a big villain.

It was like that for a year until she came into the picture. The Academy said her name "Flawless." There was no name more fitting for her than that one. She was average height with dark brown hair. She always wore a black mask over her bright blue eyes with a navy turtleneck and black cargo pants. Her eyes alway freaked Dream out. They were such a pale blue that in the middle of the day they looked white. She fought with a violet saber in each hand that looked like they were made of glass.

None of that made her dangerous. She had the power to crash any piece of technology. It wasn't a big deal to the Academy at first so they ranked her a B-Class Villain, since she was good at fighting. Over a year, she started to show more dangers in her power. She could vanish and reappear across the world. She could collapse buildings when she was angry, but what moved her up the rank the most was how she could drain life out of people.

She could kill someone without even touching them and heal somebody else with it. She was able to control someone else's lifeforce. She knew when and how you would die. She could glitch objects out of existence and back into your heart. She could manipulate life and reality around her. She gained the attention of the Syndicate who was the number one villain group at the time. She joined them and prospered under their protection and training.

The Academy was terrified so they assigned Schlatt and Fundy and by extension Dream on the case. It was a mission to detain her and if they couldn't do that they were to rid her and her power of this world. They thought it was just going to be her. The heroes fought them inside of an abandoned building that was a meeting place for the Syndicate. The sidekick's job was to take something precious that belonged to Flawless. They had a tip that her fatal flaw was hidden in the basement of the building.

Schlatt and Fundy took on the original leaders of the Syndicate. Dream was going to help them, but he saw Flawless about to flee so he ran for the basement, before she could get there.

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