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Dream watched while Bad and Niki fled the scene. Dream slowly backed away. He retreated to where Punz was still laying. He slowly crouched down, so he was out of the villain's view. "Chain. Get up." Dream whispered, shaking Punz. There was movement on the other end. Dream rolled Punz over. The man's blonde hair was dirty, and he was knocked out cold.

Dream hoped that there was a hero with super speed or teleportation at HQ. Someone who could get these two away from the fight.

Sapnap was on the ground across from 404. The sidekick was shaking but still insulting the villain. Dream saw him pulling on the band to try to take it off and he saw the villain's amusement while watching.

Dream turned around to watch the villain slice Sapnap across his chest. 404 had a sickening smile across his face at the pleasure he got from hurting the brat.

Dream stood up from his spot to run to Sapnap's side. He didn't even get close before he heard a gunshot. Not even a second later, a bullet hit 404 in his lower chest. The villain laughed as he coughed up blood. He pressed his left hand to his stomach and whipped his attention to the direction the bullet came from.

Dream could make out a sniper on top of a building. 404 raised his free hand and the building started shaking. He didn't stop until the building collapsed.

Dream watched how the villain's movements were more sluggish now. 404 stumbled to the ground. He slowly raised his right hand towards Sapnap. The ravenette's eyes widened as he tried to stand up and run. 404 flicked his wrist and a golden string from Sapnap's heart reached out to 404 and wrapped around his finger.

Sapnap was yanked back to the ground by the string. Dream watched in horror how Sapnap slowly stopped fighting and how 404's wound closed up. The thread glowed dimmer by the second.

He was draining Sapnap's life to heal. Dream clenched his sword as he ran at the brunette. He raised his sword over his head and brought it down. He sliced the string that connected the two. Sapnap fell forward to the ground. Dream turned to 404. Who was gone?

He vanished. Dream shifted his attention to his sidekick. Dream rolled the teen over. Sapnap's face was pale and his skin was cold. He had a strand of white hair towards the front of his face. Dream panicked. He needed to get three people back to HQ.

He couldn't help Punz and Purpled if Sapnap was dying. He was supposed to prioritize his sidekick over other heroes. It was his job as a hero. Dream picked Sapnap up by his back and the back of his knees.

Dream ran the fastest route he could to HQ. He grimaced when he saw the News was watching and filming. He hoped someone was coming back for Punz and Purpled soon. Before they got stuck in the attention of the media.

Dream ran through alleyways and busy streets. He was at HQ in three minutes. Thank god the fight was in the Esempi District.

Dream ran into the lobby. The receptionist knew his face and let him go as he pleased. He walked to the infirmary and laid Sapnap down on one of the hospital beds. One of the healers that Niki trained walked by and started taking Sapnap's vitals.

"What happened?" She asked perfectly calm, as Niki trains them to do.

"We got in a fight with a new villain. He definitely broke Inferno's arm. I don't know what else he did." Dream left out the band. That wasn't the worry of a healer. He's sure that Niki or Bad took it to the Platinum Rings already. He would be summoned to give his testimony. "Can you send medics to Esempi Square? Chain and Space are injured on scene."

The girl nodded shakily. She clearly wasn't used to treating big heroes. She was careful with how she responded and how she touched Sapnap, as if Dream would break her wrist if she laid a finger on him that wasn't necessary.

Where It All Ends | DreamWasTakenWhere stories live. Discover now