Bonus: The First Encounter

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Purpled was lingering behind his older brother. Punz was looking at his communicator that was disguised as a golden circular locket. It hung on the chain he had worn for too many years. They were crouched down on a rooftop by Esempi Square. Purpled was leaning against a wall drowning out the boring conversation his brother was having with his necklace.

He was focused on the golden accents on Punz's super suit. It stood out from the plain white suit. He thought Punz had the most basic ass suit he could choose. The downside of being a sidekick to his brother; Punz picked out his suit. He didn't mind his black and white costume. The golden dots on the black parts resembled the stars in the night sky. He just thought Punz could've done better.

He was the second strongest hero, but he had no fashion taste. He wore a white hoodie and his gold communicator all the time with sweatpants. Sure, Purpled didn't wear anything too far from that, but he was supposed to blend in. Punz could've picked a cooler outfit for them.

He liked how mysterious Dream looked with his mask on. He liked Bad's hood that covered his face to the point you could only see the whites of his eyes. Jacobs had a floor length purple cloak that covered him head to toe. Nobody knew what his suit looked like as you only saw a glimpse of it when he fought. Minx has a plain skintight black suit, but she makes up for it with her purple hair and the scythe she fights with.

All of the big five were cool in his opinion. Punz was less cool than the others. He almost chose a golden watch for his communicator. Purpled talked him down from that too. The locket was still pretty basic.

"Gray. There's someone in the square. He looks suspicious. My communicator is going off like crazy. I don't know if there's a bunch of people with powers gathered together or if it's broken. We need to check it out." Punz was standing in front of Purpled. His pale blue eyes had an emotion that the younger couldn't quite understand. He looked conflicted as he pulled his face mask up over his face.

Purpled followed suit. Punz's switched modes from his older brother role to the city's prized jewel. Purpled didn't mind. He knew Punz would protect him. He was completely capable of it.

Punz has telekinesis. Nobody has been able to land a scratch on him or Punz in their entire career. The older blonde always watched him while he fought. Punz watched his back and Purpled watched his. He could never pay Punz back for all he did for him.

Punz gave up his future to save Purpled's life. He signed the contract to give his freedom away to the Hero Academy when he was barely eighteen.

Purpled snapped out of his train of thoughts as Punz walked to the edge of the roof. Purpled followed. He knew the drill as he walked off the edge of the roof. He didn't hesitate despite being twenty stories up. He let himself smile under his mask when he got close to the ground.

He flipped throughout the air. When he was a few feet away from the ground he stopped. He was facing the concrete and floating as usual. Punz was already on the ground with his hand held out. He didn't let worry show on his face as Purpled was too close to the ground. He moved his hand and Purpled was pulled up and gently placed on his feet.

Punz visibly relaxed when he stopped using his power. He waited for his brother to join his side. "The square is a big place. We should split up to cover more ground in less time. We don't want this person to get away." Purpled excitedly said. Punz usually said no every time he tried to pull this card.

"Fine. You know how to signal me if you need help. I'll go Northeast. You have Northwest." He sounded like he hated the plan, but Punz said nothing trying to prioritize his job.

Purpled nodded before he set off on his own. He kept his hand resting on his dagger that was always strapped to his right thigh. He walked, idly drumming his fingers on his dagger's sheath. He wasn't really searching that hard. He was just walking fast in the Northwest direction. It took him about four minutes to walk across the entire square. He stopped when he saw a man standing in the middle of a bunch of flipped cars. He looked confused from behind.

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