Where It All Ends

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 "Oh shit." George mumbled as he fell to the metal crisscrossed floor. He coughed up blood as he heard Dream's sword hit the wall above him. It stayed buried into the brick. He felt like he was going to pass out. His nose was bleeding from falling first. He dried blood caking his face from where a knife barely missed him.

He just wanted to go home, take a shower, and sleep. That's it. The only problem with that is that when he would awake, the cabin tucked away outside of town would be empty. There would be no one going to visit the warehouse that resided on the Logstedshire docks. He would open his eyes and be met with the hell that is his reality now.

Phil was dead. Tommy was dead. Sapnap was dead. Wilbur was dead. Quackity and Techno were soon to be dead. Tubbo and Ranboo were probably injured. Felicity was dead. He has lost everything that he had to lose. Waking up tomorrow would be pointless. He has killed hundreds today and there is more to be killed.

It's selfish to decide to blow up an entire city, but the city meant nothing to him if the people he loved weren't there. His home was where his friends were. Now he has no home. It would be futile for him to continue going. He was doing himself a favor.

If he woke up tomorrow, he would have to go back to the Badlands and retrieve the bodies of his fallen friends and family. He would have to sort through over a thousand bodies to try to find them. He wouldn't even be able to see their faces. He would have to guess and hope the body he chose was his friends.

He would bury Phil, Wilbur, and Techno by the soon-to-be abandoned cabin in the woods. Next to where Phil's wife was forever resting. He would go through the empty hero academy to find Sapnap's full file. He would return the ravenette to his family that he had confessed to George that he missed. George would have to explain himself to his friend's family.

He would have to arrange a private jet to take Tommy back to England where he belongs. Maybe he could find the thirteen-year old's family. If not, he would bury Tommy alongside Ranboo and Tubbo at the graveyard for fallen heroes. He would return Quackity's body to his little brother.

For his sister who he just reunited with, he would return to his mother's tombstone. There was no body underneath it. He couldn't afford a proper funeral for the women who brought him into the world. He had to donate her body to science. He sold his body until he made enough to get her a proper tombstone underneath a weeping willow tree. It was where she used to take them for picnics with his dad.

He would dig two graves. He would bury Felicity next to their mother. The other hole would be next to his father's tombstone. He would lay in his grave for hours and watch the sun set and the stars rise. He would be able to admire them and know that his friends were waiting in heaven for him. He would press a gun to his head and mutter his final words. He could die in peace knowing that he made sure that his death wouldn't burden anyone.

That would be George's future if he walked away. There was no future for him in a week. George snapped out of his daze, as he heard the door to the control room open. He saw Clay slowly walking towards him with a dagger in his hand. The brunette felt exhausted as he laid still. He felt paralyzed, knowing his death was coming and he couldn't wait.

"George?" The blonde whispered as he stared at the limp form of his friend. He wasn't exactly sure what he was to George, but he knew he cared. He felt a weight lift off his shoulders as George's eyes stared at him. He didn't kill him.

The brunette's eyes narrowed as he made a quick decision to get up and run. If he couldn't have tomorrow, then no one could. Dream sprang into action as he jumped on top of the railing and ran alongside George. The blonde jumped off the railing, landing directly in front of George and blocking the button.

Where It All Ends | DreamWasTakenWhere stories live. Discover now