I'm Sorry, My Friend

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 Dream woke up in the infirmary. His head was pounding. Purpled was the only one by his side. The fourteen-year-old was asleep in his wheelchair. The last thing he could remember was seeing the Egg. He remembers running away, but there was nothing else after that. He had an I.V. in his arm, and he could feel bandages all across his chest.

He couldn't remember how he got back to the Academy. Niki walked into the room. Her eyes widened as she saw Dream. "Thank God you are awake." Niki cried, as she walked over to Dream letting out a sigh of relief.

"What happened? How did I get here?" Dream asked. He was about to sit up when Niki gently pressed him down. Niki's eyes saddened as she stared at Dream longer.

She clutched her clipboard and took a deep breath. "You came back here at around eleven in the morning two days ago. You were covered in these red vines that had wrapped around your chest, face, and limbs. You attacked a couple of heroes before we managed to tranquilize you. They all are okay. We had to surgically remove the vines as they were morphing into your skin. I apologize about the scars." Niki explained, checking through her clipboard as she spoke.

Dream looked down at his arms and saw long red continuous scars wrapping around them. He could only picture what his face and chest looked like. His body felt like it was on fire. "Did you say two days ago?" Dream quickly asked once he processed what she had said.

"You went into a coma after we had removed them. It looked like your body had gone through withdrawal without the vines."

"How many heroes do we have left?" Dream asked.

"Fifty-three." Niki mumbled. Her saying the number out loud made her realize how horrible it was as her hands shook slightly. "Scott has been waiting for you to wake up to talk to you. I'll alert him that you're fully conscious and that he can come speak with you." Niki said in her work tone as she walked out of the room. She quickly came back into the room and grabbed Purpled and rolled him out of the room. He didn't even stir as she moved him.

Okay. Dream did not like the odds at all now. He had fifty people to fight alongside. It was them versus the Egg. Scott walked into the room and sat down in an office chair next to Dream's bed.

"Are you feeling better?" Scott asked with his Scottish accent sounding extremely prominent. Dream slowly nodded. He didn't know what to expect. "You took out around three people before we were able to get you to calm down enough to tranquilize you." Scott said, smiling.

"Where's Sapnap?" Dream asked, his voice was hoarse from not drinking anything for multiple days.

"Right to the point as always. I'm assuming the night that you went on patrol behind my back," Scott scolded before switching his tone, "Sapnap had got attacked in the lobby. I don't know if Jacobs tricked him or what, but one minute they were going down the stairwell and the next Karl was fighting Sapnap, alongside nine other people. He had fought for around fifteen minutes before his injuries were too much and he had passed out. We haven't seen the eleven of them since."

"So, he's gone, but not like everyone else who is gone. He was basically kidnapped." Dream summed up out loud. "I don't remember much before I guess I passed out? But I know where the root of the problem is."

"And where is that?"

"The Badlands district. I followed Ethos and he led me there. Everything was covered in red vines, so I followed them. Basically, they led to a crater that had a giant red egg and there were over a thousand people surrounding it. All of the missing civilians and heroes were there. A couple villains too."

"You said an egg, right?" Scott asked, clearly thinking. Dream nodded. "We had an experiment at Sam's lab. This boy could open portals through controlling gravity, but he could also remove it all from one spot and open a portal. The experiment went wrong and all that was left in place of the portal was a small red egg covered in obsidian. Anyways, the Egg can talk to people and basically makes people worship it."

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