An Annoying New Face

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 Dream shot awake. He was in his office. It was early in the morning and his phone was already ringing. He begrudgingly grabbed it and flipped it over. It was his sister. He knew better than to ignore her, so he forced himself to answer it.

"Where the hell are you? You said I could stay at your apartment this week. You promised me last week when we celebrated your birthday." Her voice rang through his phone, too loud for how tired he was after pulling an all-nighter doing paperwork and looking through fanmail.

"Oh Dris, I forgot. I fell asleep at the Office again. I will be there soon. Pack your bag if you want to stay for the week or the weekend." Dream was careful with his wording. Drista wasn't allowed to know about his other life. She thought he had a boring office job working for Apple. He didn't want to endanger her life, especially since he didn't have the powers to protect her.

"You have an hour, or I will not let you forget it." She hung up. Dream prepared himself to deal with a thirteen-year-old. He didn't have any meetings, commercials, photoshoots, or propaganda to shoot today, so he didn't have to worry about that. He slowly stood up from his office chair, stretched and walked to his door.

He opened it to be met with the eyes of Nihachu. Number Seventeen. She was a medic, but she was good at fighting and negotiating so she was in the field sometimes. She was in charge of all the heroes with powers that weren't suited for combat that could help at HQ. The Golden and Silver Rings. She was a Diamond Ring herself. "I was told to deliver some news to you. Considering how much time you are stuck here doing paperwork, The Platinum Rings decided to assign you a sidekick and a student intern from Vision's Academy." She smiled softly knowing he would not like the news but just trying to do her job.

The last thing Dream wanted was a sidekick, let alone a child to be his assistant. He groaned internally before matching Niki's energy to the best of his tired ability. "When do I have to meet the cunts?"

"Your sidekick has already been picked, but Vision's is still working on the perfect intern for you as you are a big deal." She flipped through the clipboard she was holding quickly. "He is moving into your apartment right now as we speak. He is newer to the program so be nice to him. He is sixteen. The Academy thinks he would be a great fit for you." Dream groaned out loud this time as he knows Drista would have to meet this kid for sure as he was taking Drista to his apartment for the weekend or a whole week, it was up to here.

"Thank you, Niki, but I need to get going. I'm meeting somebody." He pushed past her. He keeps Drista out of his work life and his work life away from her. He walked to the elevator and pushed the garage button. The second it opened he turned to his reserved parking spot and sped out of the lot. He put the radio on as he drove to his adopted parents' house. His parents lived on the edge of the huge city. It was a residential area known as Snowchester.

The second he pulled up, Drista hopped off of the porch and climbed into his green sport's car. She threw her bag at him and settled into her seat with an annoyed look on her face.

"You're fucking late. Again!" She complained.

"I'm sorry. I have a new roommate moving in, so I was helping him with that." Her expression changed to curiosity now.

"What's his name?" She asked, leaning on the console, messing with the radio as Dream backed out of the driveway.

"I don't know yet." Her face furrowed for a second before she made a weird face as she thought about it.

"How do you not know? You just said you've met this guy!" Drista said frustratedly that she didn't understand. The rest of the drive was silent. Drista snatched her brother's key as soon as they parked, leaving him to carry her suitcase to the elevator. He ran after her as she was slamming on the close button with a sly grin on her face. He barely made it and ruffled her hair with a smile.

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