It's Too Late For Sorry

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"Clay? Just talk to me! I'm sorry. I don't want to go back." Drista begged with tears in her eyes. Dream made her pack everything from the guest room this morning. He was putting her stuff in the car as she stood and watched. He wasn't going to budge. He couldn't, so he wasn't speaking to her.

"You are going to die in that stupid costume! I'm not just going to listen to you this time. I don't care about the greater good! Saving the world isn't more important than your life! You can just resign! We can go back to normal." She reasoned. She was mad and rightfully so. Clay hasn't spoken to her since last night when he yelled at her.

Dream slammed the trunk closed as he turned to his sister. "Get in the car." He ordered.

"No," Drista said, crossing her arms and leaning against the passenger side of the car. She planted her feet as she narrowed her eyes at her brother silently telling him she wasn't going to listen.

Dream was short-tempered and he didn't think about what he was doing. He was tired and it was six in the morning. He walked over to his sister that he towered over by a foot and firmly grabbed her shoulders. "Get in the damn car Drista!" He whisper-yelled at her. Fed up with her attitude.

She pushed him away harshly. "I said no!" She started walking away back to the elevator before Clay grabbed her by her wrist. She turned around quickly and stared right into her brother's eyes with that same shade of hatred he was giving her. "Let go of me Clayton!" She barked between her teeth, not staring down from Dream despite the height difference and how he was definitely stronger than her.

"I wasn't asking. Get in the car before I force you." He said tightening his grip with every word and making sure she wasn't looking away.

Drista narrowed her eyes before punching Dream in the chin with her right hand. The blond groaned as he let go of her hand and cupped his face. Dream turned his attention back to his sister who just ran towards the stairwell. He was right behind her the entire time. Every flight of stairs he got closer to her. He would catch her before she even made it halfway up. He had a stronger endurance and was used to climbing for long periods of time.

By the seventh floor, Clay jumped forward and yanked Drista back by her hand. He caught her off guard as she was turning on the landing. She fell backwards down the flight of stairs stopping when she hit the wall on the landing platform.

She had blood running down the side of her face from where her head hit the railing. Dream grabbed her wrist and dragged her down the stairs. He was pissed off and felt no remorse for her falling. He got punched in the chin and had to chase her up seven flights of stairs and he was the bad guy somehow.

When Dream got sick of dragging her, he carried Drista. He was being kind and all she had to say to him was "You're a fucking cunt!" She whispered as he CARRIED her. She was a spoiled brat. When she saw the car, she tried to scramble out of his arms.

"Drista. Stop it." He spit through his teeth, annoyed with her. "I don't understand what has gotten into you. Stop acting entitled and listen to me for once in your damn life. You brought this upon yourself." He threw her into the passenger seat before climbing into his side and locking the door.

She had blood in her dirty blonde hair, her lip was busted, and a black eye. Her green jacket was covered in blood along with her acid washed jeans. Before the blonde could even start the car Drista was trying to open the door and roll the window down. Both being locked.

"Clay. Unlock the door." She said not looking at him and having her emerald green eyes fixed on the door.

"Quit fighting me. I've made up my mind. I'm eighteen. I can choose if I want you in my life or not. Stop acting like I owe you spot by my side all the time. My job is more important than this! I could be saving lives right now and I'm stuck fighting you to go back to your parent's house!" Clay snapped yelling at her as he started the car and pulled out of the parking garage.

Drista turned around to stare at her brother. He never yelled at her. In her twelve years of life. Clay was always kind to her. He was joking, loving, and nurturing. The perfect brother. No. This was Dream. Not her Clay. She didn't like Dream. He pushed and dragged her down the stairs. He yelled and punched holes in the walls. He cared more about random people than family. He was an asshole who acted entitled. She hates Dream. Clay would apologize for hurting her and disinfect her wounds. He would've made her breakfast and helped her pack.

Drista made her mind up as she stared at her "brother's" face. His eyes furrowed as he was muttering rapidly under his breath. His knuckles white from how hard he was holding the wheel. He wasn't cutting her off. She was going to do it first.

Drista popped up from her seat and quickly leaned over Dream. She hit the button on his door that unlocked her door. "What the fuck Drista!" He slapped her to get her out his way. He was focused on trying to swerve from oncoming traffic as she went back to her seat. She opened the passenger door and jumped out of the car. Clay couldn't stop as there was a car right behind him.

She landed on the bag on her back in the part of the city nicknamed Logstedshire. She quickly stood up and ran down the nearest alleyway to get as far away from her brother as she could. She kept looking behind her before she ran into a wall. She recovered quickly as she looked up to see she in fact did not bump into a wall, but a person.

He had long pink hair in a ponytail, a crown, a skull mask, a long red robe, and blood on his shirt. He was about Clay's height, but he had a lot more muscle on him. He had a small smile as he stared down at Drista and a golden sword clutched in his right hand. There was a man behind him with a white and green striped bucket hat and long green robes on. He had blonde hair and black wings.

Drista scrambled to stand up and back away from the strange men. "I'm sorry." She squeaked out, turning away from the two before one of them placed their hand on her shoulder. "You need help with that cut on your head, mate? We have a first aid kit at our house if you just follow us."

She stayed looking away, letting out a shaky breath. "I'm alright. My-umm- brother is waiting for me. I need to get going." The grip tightened as she tried to take another step forward.

"You just came that way. We aren't going to hurt you, kid. You just remind us of someone we know." The one with pink hair explained turning her around. He had a monotone voice and no expression on his face.

Something about him seemed comforting to Drista. The older one with the wings offered her a hand with a soft smile on his face. She smiled as she took it and he wrapped his wing around her as they led her to their vehicle.

The two elders exchanged a sadistic smile as they opened the door to their car for the girl to get in. She complied without a second thought.

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