Last Resorts

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 "I can't see." 404 muttered.

"Give yourself a second. You did just die." Dream said, confident that it was just taking a second for 404's vision a second to adjust to the darkness.

"You're going to have to speak up. My hearing is messed up from all the gunshots and the explosions." 404 yelled. He was still blankly staring at Dream. When the blonde didn't respond, 404 started to frantically look around. "Dream?"

"I'm still right here. Give me a second to think. You need to get away from the Egg. I don't know if you're still invincible after dying."

"What a favor you have done me, Dream. Bringing back The Body just for me. I would reward you if you stopped fighting now." The Egg's demonic voice echoed through Dream's head.

"Did you hear that?" Dream asked, not exactly sure what answer he was hoping for. 404 shook his head. "Get up. I'm getting you out of here." Dream ordered. He stood up from his spot next to 404 and brushed his suit off.

404 stayed put on the ground and crossed his arms over his chest. "I can still fight. What would be the most useful right now?" The villain asked, practically pouting on the red grass.

"Flight, but you ca-" Dream didn't even get to finish as 404 had dark red wings sprout out of his back. The villain had sweat running down his face and bit his lip as the wings ripped through his skin and suit.

"Direct me to Nuke and explain the situation to him." The villain ordered as he stood up. Dream sighed as he grabbed the villain's hand. He grabbed his grappling hook out of its holster and shot it towards the area he had last seen Nuke and Avarice. Dream had to swing 404 beneath him so that the villain didn't get shot midair.

Dream detached his grappling hook and landed in front of Avarice, Nuke, and Ender. They were in a corner and killing anyone who was too close to them. 404 landed on his face next to Dream. The villain and vigilantes just stared wide-eyed at Dream waiting for an explanation. "What's wrong with him?" Avarice asked, he just pulled his ax out of someone's skull and was winding up to slam it into whoever approached him next.

"I'm not really sure what he did. He can't see at all, and his hearing is fucked up."

"Quit shit-talking me!" 404 yelled as he got up from the floor. His nose was bleeding, but he looked unbothered.

"People who can see are speaking. Shush." Dream joked before turning towards Nuke. "404 wants you to fly around with him and blow everyone up."

"But he can't see?" The British brunette questioned, staring at the villain who was blindly shooting his gun. 404 was leaning against Ender's leg.

"He wants you to direct him. It's not a great plan, but our chances looked a lot better when you were raining bombs from above." Dream mumbled the last part so 404 couldn't hear him.

Nuke sighed before he turned towards the blind villain. "Fine. Get up. You better listen to me if you don't want us both to crash into a wall and fall into a group of your enemies." Nuke ordered. 404 was just staring at Nuke before he had nodded.

The villain had a smile spread across his face as he stood up and wrapped his arms underneath Nuke's shoulders. "You better be watching us from here, Ender. I don't trust his flying skills." The vigilante whispered to his roommate as 404 pulled them both off of the ground.

Dream gave Avarice and Ender one last glance before he shot his grappling hook and made his way back to Siren. He felt a pang of worry as he saw that Siren was slowly backed up. He wasn't on the stairs anymore. He was around thirty feet away from the Egg and that was a lot closer than anyone would want to be. Dream dropped down with his back leaning against Siren. He was about to click his pen to unleash Spirit when someone appeared in front of him.

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