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"We need to go!" Dream woke up to Sapnap violently shaking him on the couch. Dream glared at the clock on the wall and groaned. It was only five in the afternoon.

"The Academy called in a guy with powers wreaking havoc in Esempi Square. They sent in Chain and his sidekick earlier. They said he immediately took them both down without even breaking a sweat." That woke Dream out of his daze. Chain was one of the highest ranked, only behind Dream. His sidekick, Space, was in the top twenty. Space is the highest ranked sidekick. If he took them down this is serious.

Punz wasn't like Dream. He refused to let his sidekick kill as it is his little brother. Punz simply kills out of sight and flees the scene with Purpled by his side. Dream had the privilege of knowing all of the hero's names if he asked. His was top secret. Until Sapnap found out through Drista.

Dream ran into his room and quickly changed. He slipped his mask on and grabbed his pen. He made sure his belt was full of his equipment. Dream jumped out of his window knowing Sapnap was already down there.

Dream landed next to Sapnap on the pavement. He brushed his suit off before running to the main area of Esempi. It wasn't far. Maybe a five-minute walk. One minute run for Dream.

Dream nodded at Sapnap before taking off. His body immediately adjusted his breathing so that he could have a steady rhythm as his feet hit the sidewalk and keep his balance without getting winded.

Sapnap did his best to keep up only slightly trailing behind. After a long minute for Sapnap, Dream stopped as they were in the square.

It wasn't hard to spot the guy. He was wearing a mostly black suit with red and white accents. He had on white and black goggles. Dream could tell from the smell that the guy reeked of power.

There were cars flipped over on their sides and civilians backed into alleyways and the occasional hiding behind a tipped car. The man was laughing to himself. He was staring down at Chain and Space laying on the ground. He was constantly kicking one of them and teasing.

"What a mighty hero. Couldn't even defend your own sidekick. Hm? He's bleeding out next to you and all you can do is lay on the dirty pavement. It suits you really. You're just a piece of trash in my way. The scum of the Earth." The man crouched down to be closer to Punz. He grabbed a handful of Chain's blonde hair and yanked it so that he could see the face of who he was talking to. He whispered something very quiet. Something only for Punz to hear. Dream moved closer so he could get a glimpse of what the villain was whispering.

"I'm going to tear your brother apart, Punz. Limb by limb and make you watch. I will relish his screams. And there will be nothing that you can do to stop me." Dream knew his mouth was hanging wide open. He was glad he was hiding behind a car so that the villain didn't see his reaction. He knew Chain's real name. He beat Chain. Punz's face was covered in blood and his mask was barely hanging onto his face. Dream's stomach twisted when he saw Purpled laying by the Villain's feet behind him.

The boy's hair was stained a dark red. He was lying in a puddle of his own blood knocked out cold. Dream could see where Purpled was stabbed despite his suit being such a dark purple with gold on it.

Dream clicked his pen and tried to stay focused and not be amazed by the enchantments on it. He knew that this was a kill or be killed villain. If he took down a dynamic duo like Chain and Space. Sapnap didn't stand a chance.

Dream decided to make his move when the villain had it back facing him. Dream leaped up from his spot behind the car. He lined his sword up to pierce the villain's heart. Dream put all his force to get a quick finishing blow. But he stopped?

He stopped his attack an inch away from the villain's back. Dream's eyes widened. He doesn't know why he did that. The villain let out a maniacal laugh and he slammed Punz's face into the ground. He stood up and turned around. He looked like a crazy person. His eyes were full of malicious intent. He was covered in blood, and he smiled ear to ear like it was the best day of his life.

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