A New Vigilante In A Red Hoodie

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Dream jumped out of his window and began running towards the prison. It was just off of the shore. It was a twenty-minute run, so they left the office around thirty-five minutes ago. He got to the prison, but it was completely silent. There weren't guards out everywhere. Maybe they already had it under control. Dream was about to leave where he heard a quiet sniffle. He walked over to the source to see Mr. Davidson with his head leaning against the wall of the prison on his knees looking defeated. He had a broken black pickaxe next to him with a small dent in the wall. He was crying and occasionally pounding on the wall like it would fall from a knock.

"I knew you weren't a normal citizen." The CEO's shoulders tense as he slowly turned around. His eyes widened as he hid the pickaxe behind his back. His white button up was covered in dirt and was wrinkled. His hair had a few strands sticking up from the way he had it gelled down.

"Can you not rub it in my face? My business that I've worked towards for years was blown off of the map tonight, I have a group of dead villains after me, and the only person who can protect me is in there. Except my pickaxe broke in three swings. I don't understand. It's a completely new element. Stronger than anything you've seen before and both sides of it were broken before I even made a noticeable dent." The brunette rambled about his lab and shitty day.

"Well, if you want to live to have another shitty day tomorrow and end up in jail then be my guest or you need to tell me who's in there that can help you. I can see what I can d-"

"Felicity Davidson." A visible frown graced Dream's as he stared at the brunette. "She saved me when I was fifteen. I got stuck in between Schlatt and the Angel and she was there to pull me out of the area before it escalated and was killed by Schlatt's reckless powers.

"You better get some protection and quick." Dream said, handing Flawless' purple gun. It was empty of course but something that caught the man's attention.

"George." Mr. Davidson said while examining the gun and ignoring the hero.

"Well George I best get going. Can't stay the best ego-centric abusive narcissistic piece of shit, if I'm just sitting here with you."

The man named George nodded as he traced his hands over the gun with a look of wonder in his eyes. He clutched it close to his chest as he looked up at the hero. "Thank you."

The hero nodded before grabbing his grappling hook and shot it at the nearest building with a ledge. He tugged on it before pressing on the trigger again and with a cocky smile on his face was pulled away from George.

A civilian that Dream hopes to never see again. He couldn't help George and it was an empty promise the second he heard her name again. He wished he could help but he knew better. He already messed up once today. He possibly killed Mayor Smajors tonight.

It wasn't the first time Dream killed someone. He wasn't a saint. There were no bringing people in peacefully. It's kill or be killed and he has a disadvantage. The Academy covered it up every time and he would get some repercussions for it, but he was needed again before he finished his punishment.

Dream wasn't allowed to defy direct orders. It would be considered going rogue. He sat on the rooftop of a building, not staring at George Davidson. He can't protect him. Dream can't take down the Syndicate. Alone or with help. Nobody in the Academy had any power that could combat Siren's mind control or The Blade's enhanced combat.

Dream followed Davidson along the rooftops just to make sure the civilian made it home without any problems. The citizen walked through the most dangerous parts of the city like it was nothing. Nobody seemed to have the intention to say a word to him and if they did, he would keep walking unfazed.

Maybe it was the gun at his side that belonged to a famous villain or the way he held himself, but he walked through the streets like he owned them and was on a mission. Or he did until a teenager was slammed into him.

Dream watched as some kid was thrown right into George in a flash of red. The kid knocked him off his feet with both of them on the floor of the alley until the kid recovered and climbed off of George. The kid had a black mask around his blue eyes, blonde hair, and a red and white hoodie on. He was wearing black sweatpants and on edge.

"What the fuck kid?" George mumbled sitting up pressing his hand to the side of his head and pulling away with red sticky blood on his hand.

"Sir, we need to get out of here." The boy said he had braces and was frantically moving around trying to get George to get up faster.

"Oh, come on, little vigilante. Hiding behind a civilian already?" Dream's eyes widened as he saw Siren for the second time that night. George's eyes widened as he tensed up from the chilling tone he had. George slowly turned around causing a larger smile to appear on the villain's face.

"And you found us George! You really aren't a hero. You are like us whether you like it or not. Stealing from labs and getting in the way of everything." Siren taunted as he walked closer to the duo.

George stepped back closer to the Vigilante that was taller than him. He pulled the gun out of pocket and pointed it at the villain. Siren was unphased as he walked closer to George who held his ground with a stone-cold face.

Siren walked towards the armed man ignoring the vigilante. He walked right in front of the gun and smiled. He did a half circle around George before stopping behind him and placing his gloved hands on George's dirty white shirt.

"Why shoot me George? I'll always win. He wouldn't win." Siren whispered in the CEO's ear with his eyes fixed on the red hooded vigilante.

Dream watched George's eyes change to having a newfound golden color instead of the normal brown. George turned the gun towards the vigilante who seemed bored as he had his arms crossed with a pout on his face.

George's eyes narrowed as he pulled the trigger. The vigilante tensed as he took a step back. The gunshot rang through the alleyway. The vigilante was leaning against the wall, clutching his chest. Siren lost his concentration at the loud sound.

George lowered the gun with his hands shaking. The boy with blonde hair sunk to the ground as Siren's hysterical laugh rang through the air. "I killed him. You are a fucking monster!" George yelled, pushing Siren away from him before the taller one grabbed the CEO's wrist.

"I didn't pull the trigger. You did and I would advise you to watch your damn tone. You have no upper hand. We can kill you anytime we want, and you know that." Siren spitted out, staring with a newfound anger in his eyes. George held his ground staring with the same anger.

The boy with the red hoodie laughed. "Okay I'm done acting." The boy with blonde hair said laughing between words. He dropped the bullet out of his hand as stood up from the ground. Siren tightened his grip on George's wrist before throwing him at the wall.

Dream was about to go help the boy when the most unexpected thing happened. Siren took a step forward and fell face first into the ground. "Serves you right for trying to shoot me." The boy said with a cocky attitude. Dream waited for him to get up but he stayed down as the boy watched him.

"Red Hood. Big fan of your work Mr. Davidson. Now let's get out of here before that wears off." The kid helped George up and followed George asking him about his lab and if there was any help he could do. He said one of his friends worked at his lab before tonight. Dream zoned out as he turned around and made his way back to his apartment. He climbed through his window, locked it, and changed. He laid in his bed and let his thoughts run rampant.

He was going to be in so much trouble tomorrow, but first he had to deal with Drista.

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