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Dream came back to the apartment pissed off. He was so sick of paperwork. He didn't have the energy to patrol. He slammed the door shut behind him before walking calmly over to Sapnap who was on the couch eating the pizza he ordered.

With one hand, he grabbed Sapnap by the collar of his sweater and hoisted him up to be eye level. Sapnap's feet were dangling off the ground. He grabbed onto Dream's wrist with wide eyes.

"What the hell are you doing patrolling in broad daylight?!" Dream yelled into his face. His hair was disheveled from how many times he ran his hands through them, and he had dark eyebags.

Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the older. He willed for his hands to get uncomfortably hot. Dream winced and let go of the ravenette's shirt.

"I have not trained for three years to be at your beck and call. I will not allow people to die, just because you think I could die out there. Open your damn eyes! I am not your sister. I have powers and I am just as likely to die in this apartment as I am in the streets. Stop babying me!" Sapnap yelled. He got up from the couch, pushed past Dream and went to his room. He slammed the door loud which caused Dream to flinch.

"You are going to get yourself killed!" Dream yelled, moving towards the hall so Sapnap would hear him.

"Maybe I will. At least I won't be a waste and listen to your every command!" Dream rolled his eyes at Sapnap's words. He needed to put him in his place. Sapnap was HIS sidekick for a reason. He wasn't a hero yet. If Dream had to, he would suspend the boy. He didn't NEED Sapnap. He didn't even want a sidekick. He worked better alone. If Sapnap was going to get in his way, he would have to get rid of him.

Dream walked back to the couch and sat down. He grabbed his notebook and pen and began writing. He made a list of every flaw with having a sidekick and every single one of Sapnap's fatal flaws. He was stubborn, emotional, biased, irrational, and egomaniacal. He had weak experience fighting villains and can't think without someone telling him what to do. He had more bad traits than good.

The intern Dream was assigned could do better. He was thirteen but he took commands well and listened to every word Dream said with intent. The boy was a little hotheaded and had a swearing problem. That was bad. He made a good espresso, but he was very loud and riled up. He also had blonde hair and blue eyes. Too easy to recognize. The kid lived on the streets before, so he knew how to fend for himself.

His intern was probably taller than Sapnap and the kid was lanky. Bad for stealth. His intern did have an interesting power. He could knock something over and Dream would blink, and it would be upright again. Super speed.

It was a better power for a hero than pyrokinesis. Fire only can do one thing. Destroy. It fit Sapnap well and once he showed up everything went wrong for him. Sapnap was loyal. Dream didn't want to test how loyal, but Sapnap was someone who would stick to him through thick and thin.

His intern was malleable. The kid was the perfect age for Dream to leave an influence. His mind was all open and eager to learn. He hadn't made his mind up about anything yet. That was something he had over Sapnap. Dream could manipulate the boy.

He was going to make his intern Thomas Simons, his new and better sidekick. Just to give Sapnap a reminder of who is in charge and that he is disposable. He couldn't have his right-hand man disobeying orders. It was one thing when Dream disobeyed the Academy. But Dream has never done anything he didn't want to. Sapnap had no right to lash out.

"Fuck you! I'll get myself a new sidekick! Someone who is rational and actually in control of their emotions!" Dream yelled loud enough for Sapnap to hear.

"Go for it! Hell! Maybe they will be a prick too!" The younger yelled back with some attitude in his words. Dream scoffed at Sapnap's words. He thought Dream was probably bluffing.

Dream stood up from the couch. He stuffed his notebook and pen into his bag. Dream placed his mask on his face and walked out of the apartment. He was heading to Vision Academy.

Dream took his time walking, not caring to use his car. He knew where Thomas's dorm was, so he didn't bother asking. He got recognized walking down the street, but he pushed past anyone who tried to talk to him.

Vision was in L'Manburg so it didn't take Dream long to get to the dormitory. He rode the elevator up and ignored the looks he got from the kids in the lobby.

Dream got off on the seventh floor and walked to Thomas's dorm. 7F15. Dream knocked only for the door to be opened by a kid with brown hair and a green shirt.

"Oh. Not who I was expecting but come on in I guess." He said disappointed. Dream recognized the kid. He was one of Sam's interns at the Lab. Sam had the kid doing some dangerous stuff for a thirteen-year-old. Dream heard it was rumored that the kid was developing nukes under Sam's command.

Dream walked in without a word. He sat on the couch, ignoring Sam's intern and waiting for his intern. The boy with the green shirt signed as he stared at the hero on his couch. "I'll go get Toms. I'm Tubbo. I work for Sam." The boy said awkwardly, holding his hand out for Dream to shake.

"I know who you are. I just need a moment alone with Thomas." Dream said coldly, not caring to shake the hand in front of him. The boy scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment before turning away. Dream sat on the couch picking the book up that was laid out on the coffee table. He mumbled the title before opening it. He drained out the conversation down the hall slowly getting lost in the book before Thomas plumped down on the couch next to him.

"Hey Big D! Did I make your coffee wrong or something? Not to be really rude, but why are you here?" Thomas asked with an intrigued look in his eyes. Dream looked around before pulling an envelope out his bag. He handed it to the blonde and watched as he carefully broke the wax seal with Dream's logo on it.

Dream observed as the boy's blue eyes scanned every word and how his eyes lit up when he finished. "You want me?" He said hesitantly. Dream nodded, placing the book back on the coffee table. The boy smiled until it slowly started to fade. "Thanks, and all that but I'm really busy right now. I got midterms coming up and I've got a lot going on outside of school."

Dream felt his mood sour with every word Thomas said. Who did he think he was to turn down the biggest honor Dream could give him? "Tom. Think about it."

"But you already have a sidekick. You've only had him for like a week. I have no interest in getting on Inferno's bad side. I'm going to have to turn it down. Maybe some other time." Thomas said like he was canceling plans and not declining the biggest opportunity he will ever be given.

"Inferno is out of the picture. I can get the school to cancel your midterms and tell them to not give you any homework. The Academy has already approved it. You're a good kid, Thomas. I would love to have you by my side out there. Instead of in my office. You have potential and you could really be something. You could be better than me and anything that the Hero Academy has ever seen." Dream paused and pushed the letter back into Thomas's hand. He watched Thomas's eyes stare in awe at the letter and at his boss. "Just think about it." Dream said, making sure to pour sympathy into his tone. He was a liar. He just wanted someone who was better than Sapnap and who would listen to him.

Thomas nodded, staring at the letter. Dream got up and walked to the door. He made sure to glance one last time over his shoulder at Thomas. He smiled when he saw the blonde genuinely considering it. Thomas looked up with a huge smile on his face as Dream walked out the door.

Dream had Thomas exactly where he wanted him. Drista wasn't getting in his way anymore. Sapnap was incompetent and soon to be suspended. The Syndicate was back and it needed all of his attention.

The board was all set up. He just needed to play his pawns right and the king would fall. Dream was an expert at chess after all. 

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