The Calm Before The Storm

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 Dream was woken up again by Sapnap moving around. This time the ravenette was play-fighting with Punz. They were on the floor wrestling. Punz was the first one to straighten up.

"He started it." Punz pointed his finger at Sapnap, blaming the younger. "Another emergency meeting. We don't have to go. Scott texted both of us all the details. Fifty heroes are now missing out of the A and S tier. There's a hundred missing total. Something is seriously wrong. We only have around three hundred and fifty heroes total. This is getting out of hand." Punz said, nonchalantly as if they weren't missing the best of the best.

"So, what do we do now?" Sapnap asked, sitting crisscrossed next to Punz on the black carpet. Punz pushed Sapnap over.

"You don't do anything, pipsqueak. You are in the triple digits ranking wise. One hundred eighty-eight. Leave stuff like this to the big kids."

"I'm seventeen, not twelve. Just because Purpled lets you say stuff like that doesn't mean I will." Sapnap jumped up from his spot and tackled Punz. The two rolled across the rug trying to pin the other to the ground. Punz was letting Sapnap more or less win, but still putting up a fight.

Punz pinned Sapnap to the ground and got up. He picked up a letter from the coffee table and handed it to Dream. "This was on the floor by the window. I think it's for you." Punz said before reassuming his fight with Sapnap.

Dream flipped over the blank envelope and was met with a red wax seal on the back of the envelope. Dream knew what it was just from the crown in the middle of it. Nobody used wax seals except for that regal fucker who thought he was above the government.

Dream opened the envelope and found a folded piece of paper that was cream colored. The fancy handwriting gave away who wrote it.

I see you are in no mood for our usual games, Dream. Very well. I am not either. You have taken someone from the Syndicate, so we have decided to return the favor. We will not be giving you our identities. We have taken someone very dear to you. You will be trading Siren for someone else's life. You will rid your precious Hero League of any files that you have on his identity. You will not attack him again in his civilian form. You have used cheap tricks to try to gain some leverage. For this your friend will pay.

You will return to us Siren unharmed. In return, we will hand over George Davidson. If Siren is harmed in the slightest, we will kill him. You know that I always keep my word.

We will meet at the Logstedshire docks at midnight. Come alone. If we suspect you have backup, we will kill Davidson on the spot. I look forward to seeing you there.

-The Blade

Dream quickly folded the letter up and put it back into the envelope. He made the quick decision to not tell Punz. Dream would have to explain that he had fallen in love with a well-known man. He knew if the Academy knew they would see it as weakness. They would have George removed out of the picture one way or another.

It's the same reason Dream had to protect Drista. Attachments held people back. It was a weakness that could be exploited. Dream was foolish to think he could be happy with someone. He was too attached. If he wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't even consider showing up to the docks. He would count his losses and keep Wilbur hostage until he got what he wanted.

"What's the letter about?" Sapnap happily asked from his spot on the floor.

"It's just a letter from my mom." Dream said, matching Sapnap's tone.

"You have a mom too?" Punz asked, confused. It wasn't uncommon for most heroes to have missing family members. Most people had a mom or dad that died. In some cases, both.

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