No Attachments

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The door opened and he stepped out. This floor only has one room, and it was the meeting room for the Platinum Rings. Dream took his mask off and clipped it to his utility belt. He ran his fingers through his hair before taking a deep breath and opening the door.

There was a long rectangle table in the middle of the room. Sitting at the head of the table was Scott Smajors. The other side was his second in command and secretary, Joel Shadow. Joel's wife was the leader of the Hero Academy. She ran the place and served as a representative on behalf of the heroes in the Golden Rings. She sat on Joel's right.

She smiled at Dream as he walked in. Her pink hair resembled the kindness she held for every soul. Next to Scott was a man Dream never would like. He was the one who sat on the right of Scott. He hated Jack Manifold. In Dream's opinion a British man should never be a part of American Politics. Jack was loud and joking. He was cruel and disrespectful.

Jack was a friend of Scott, and he was basically damage control. He hated Dream because of the mess after the fights.

On the left of Joel and across from Lizzie was Charles Batchelor. He was commonly referred to as Grian. He was in charge of the media. When Dream made a big mistake, Grian covered it up. Another person who wasn't exactly fond of Dream but he tolerated him. Grian commanded respect and never insulted Dream.

Each of them was head of a department. They represented them and ran them. The Diamond Rings were their underdogs. Their management team and second in command. Golden worked under the Diamonds.

Dream took the seat left open across from Jack and on the left side of Scott. Dream envied Joel for his spot next to all of the kind people. Dream rolled his eyes every time he saw the plaque that indicated his spot.

"Dream. Humanity's Greatest Hero. Representing Humanity and their Saviors."

They could've given him a better title. They didn't even try that much. Joel stared Dream down from across the table.

"Are you aware of the reason you were summoned today?" Joel asked bored. Dream noticed how he looked mad. They all looked mad, and it was all directed at him.

"The fight today. It's because we retreated." Dream said shamefully, sinking into his seat. He felt like a child among the Platinum Rings.

"Yes, but there is another reason. You see we went to see if we could find any similarities between 404 and any other villains. Just to get an idea of what the limit of his power could be. However, our files room was burnt to the ground. Everything was destroyed." Scott said, annoyed while tapping his fingers against the desk.

Dream's eyes widened. He needed to appear shocked. He understood why they wanted his mask off. They were trying to see if he was lying. "What?" Dream asked quietly. He was scared.

"We had the room tested and there was an interesting result. The flames weren't natural. They had a trace of DNA in them. Do you have any idea of whose it could be?" Dream slowly shook his head. They cornered him. He was on trial, and Scott was his judge.

"Your sidekick. He burned down the filing room. It managed to melt metal cabinets and shelves. He is the only hero ranked high enough for fire to burn like that. His intention was to go undetected, so he left the doors and walls intact from the outside." Joel grew impatient and finished Scott's words.

"We checked the surveillance footage from around the city. You climbed out of the exit tunnel five minutes before your sidekick. You then immediately ran off to Pandora. He went back to your apartment." Grian explained to Dream. He held eye contact with his dark red eyes that looked brown. He had a weird glare in them. Dream was confused. Sapnap was ahead of him when they left. Something wasn't right.

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