You're All My Marionettes

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 Dream came home to be met with a once again angry Sapnap. Dream ignored him and unclipped his porcelain mask. He placed it on the table and let out a sign. Sapnap had his arms crossed and was leaning against the door frame. Dream slipped his bag off, placed it down and finally turned his attention to the younger.

"Did you already find my replacement?" Sapnap said with a tamed flame in his voice. He was annoyed but he knew he needed to confront his so-called mentor.

"Of course, I did. You're dispensable. I have a list of replacements for you and the next. You aren't special, Sap." Dream said, pouring a sickly-sweet tone into his voice. It was poison graced with an ice cream cone. It somehow managed to hurt more than the straight anger Sapnap was expecting.

"That's good. I finished writing my application. I'm turning it in, first thing in the morning.

"What application?"

"My application to resign. I have no interest in working with someone like you. I didn't realize I needed to see proof that you're a dick to understand that I don't want to be a hero."

Dream's expression hardened. He wanted Sapnap suspended. If Sapnap resigns, it doesn't stop him from becoming a vigilante like Red Hood or Huntress. He would be switching teams. Dream needs Sapnap to be under strict watch from the Academy. He doesn't know enough for the Academy to have precautions for if he went rogue. Sapnap could leave. Dream couldn't.

"You can't leave. The Academy has a bomb in your neck as they have in mine. If you leave, they will kill you off or throw you in Pandora. You've never seen a retired hero before. You either die in the field or you get thrown in the vault. There is a cell for every A and S tier hero. I've even had to design one for myself. Resign if you want though. Don't let me hold you back."

Sapnap's expression faltered. He couldn't get thrown into the vault. He dodged the first bullet. He couldn't dodge the second shot from a different shooter. He would be killed by George if he even did resign. Sapnap raised his hand to his neck. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to rot in jail. He didn't want to work for Dream. He wanted to go home to his mom and dad. He had a little sister he missed. Sapnap slowly retreated back to his room lost in thought. He couldn't win.

Dream smiled as he watched the sixteen-year-old retreat in defeat. He wasn't lying. If he could quit, he already would have. He wasn't allowed to, and he knew that. He wasn't too sure about Sapnap but better safe than sorry. If he was lucky the Academy would accept Thomas as his sidekick.

If not he would figure out a way to get rid of Sapnap. If the boy started acting how Dream wanted him to then he would drop the whole replacement thing. Dream walked over to Sapnap's room and opened the door without a word.

Sapnap was sitting at his desk staring at the letter he wrote. Dream walked over and placed his hands on Sapnap's shoulder. The boy looked like he wanted to cry.

"You know Sappy? If you behaved, we could put this all behind us. You can be my loyal sidekick who listened. You haven't even had a chance to introduce yourself to the public. I think that I've been too hard on you." Sapnap slowly nodded and sniffled while listening to Dream's words.

"I'm scared. I'm really fucking scared." The boy said with his voice slightly shaking. His hand that was holding his letter was shaking. Sapnap placed it down and pulled his knees up to his chest in his chair.

"You'll get used to it. You did really well on your first patrol. If you understand that everything I do is for the greater good, then I think you will truly become a great hero." Dream said, pouring regret into his voice. "I'm sorry for how I treated you. I'm under a lot of pressure with the Syndicate back and my sister missing. That doesn't justify my actions. I hope one day you will forgive me, and this will be in the past." Dream smiled as Sapnap perked up.

"You really think I could be a good hero."

"I know you can be. All you have to do is listen to me." Sapnap smiled from beneath Dream. He got up from his chair and launched himself into a hug with his mentor. Dream reluctantly hugged back.

"Thank you, Clay. I promise I will do better. I'll fix my attitude and trust you more." Sapnap said looking up at his mentor with bright blue eyes. Dream smiled as he felt the power, he held rush over him. He was the one pulling the strings. Not the damn Hero Academy.

"We are going on patrol at ten. Be ready." Dream said before walking out and closing the door behind him. He may have not won with Tommy, but he has Sapnap wrapped around his finger.

All that mattered was the connection he maintained. Not his job. And definitely not his reputation among his coworkers. His legacy would exceed him and that's all that Dream cared about.

With that peace of mind, Dream took a nap.

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