Your Lips My Lips

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Dream started to pull George back towards their table. The brunette continued shaking. He let Dream lead the way. Everything was too loud now. He wanted to lay down and laugh until his high came down. When Dream wasn't looking, George was trying to get Wilbur attention.

He was on the edge of a panic attack. Wilbur knew everything about him. He could fix it. Wilbur was too busy singing to notice. George watched Wilbur freeze in place staring off in a direction George couldn't see. There was the sound of glass shattering and people gasping. It quickly turned to screams as people got up from their seats and started running.

George grabbed onto Clay's black shirt to get him to stop. "Clay. Something is wrong. You need to hide. What if they are after you again?" George believed his words with his whole heart. He was overwhelmed by all the chaos, but he still had priorities despite his haze.

"I don't think it's anything big George. I think the kitchen just caught on fire. Can you not hear the fire alarm ringing?" Clay asked the man who seemed panicked out of his mind over a fire. As long as George was in Clay's sight the blonde wasn't worried.

The fire alarm rang as the sprinkler system turned on. George seemed to snap out of his haze when the cold water hit his face. He was still on Rohypnol, but he was more awake and alert. George watched the fire roar as it caught fire to the stage.

The brunette pushed Dream away for the second time that night. He ran towards the stage, fighting the waves of people pushing through to the exit. George watched Wilbur try to get his band members off of the stage. It was too high up for them to jump and the stairs were on fire.

George ran over to the nearest table and pushed it up against the stage. He backed up as he ran at the table and jumped off of it. His hand barely grabbed the ledge of it. The brunette barely was able to pull himself up. The drugs seemed to be fighting his logical thinking.

"Will!" George screamed as he ran towards the taller man. Wilbur opened his arms and hugged the shorter. The fire was licking the back of his ankles. "Let's get down." George smiled as he spoke.

He pictured Tommy in his head as he placed his hand on a red bandana the blonde gave him. It was the more annoying part of his power. He had to have an object from the person if he wanted to use someone else's powers from a big distance. He had a silver watch for Wilbur, a hair tie for Felicity, and a bandana for Tommy. Those were the only powers he used.

George felt his power seep into his eyes. He knew they were the same blue as Tommy's when he opened them. Another downside, his eyes changed color when he used someone else's gift. It's why he wore goggles. He didn't want anyone to see him toggling through his collection.

George ushered the band members to the edge of the stage. He used Tommy's gravity power to make the table lighter so it could float closer to them. George basically pushed them all down. His concentration was too weak to use any power for a long time. It didn't help that the real Tommy was fifty miles away. He was getting tired too quickly. He was using his energy too much from panicking earlier and now his powers.

Wilbur was the last off. George was helping him down when he saw someone walk through the flames. George almost dropped Wilbur when he saw the boar skull and the red cape. "Will? What's going on?" George asked, confused. Techno wasn't supposed to be here tonight. Wilbur wasn't supposed to be here either. It all seemed like a set up.

"Something isn't right." Wilbur muttered as he got down from the table. He turned around to be met face to face with Techno's mask. Wilbur stared into the eyeholes for some kind of cue.

The tall Brit gasped when he was pulled up by the front of his shirt. He was trying to pull Techno's hands away with no avail. "The key. Where is it? You know. The Egg says you have hidden it away from us." Techno's voice was robotic as he spoke. It didn't sound like him. It sounded deeper and gruff.

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