Wait In The Car

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 Dream didn't know what to say. 404 had tears running down his face as he clutched Sapnap's limp hand. "Can't you heal him?!" Dream yelled through his grief.

404 shook his head slowly. He had his head slumped against his chest in shame. He was struggling to breathe with how much he was crying. Siren placed his hand on 404's shoulder. 404 just pulled away and squeezed Sapnap's hand. He squeezed it twenty-four times. He let Sapnap know that he was loved in morse code, and he hoped Sapnap knew it.

"Why did you try to heal him?" Dream quietly asked. His tears have already dried up.

"Because he was my friend more than he ever was yours."

"You tried to kill him."

"He worked for me! How dense are you? When he wasn't with you, he was with me! I took care of him after every fight. I cleaned his wounds that you had caused!" 404 yelled, pulling Sapnap closer to his chest. "This is all your fault." He barked at Dream.

"This world is mine. It belongs to me. I know all. I see all. I am all. You are all going to die if you do not join me." A demonic voice spoke into Dream's head. Siren covered his ears as did Dream. 404 looked up confused at their reaction.

"What's wrong?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows behind his mask.

"Can you not hear it?!" Siren screamed, over the voice ringing through his head. It was louder than his own subconscious. 404 shook his head and stared at Dream across from him.

"I cannot be heard by those who desire nothing. Nor can I be heard by the components of absolute power. This is sacrifice!" The demonic voice screamed and manically laughed into their heads. Dream had his hands pressed to his head so hard that he thought his skull was going to crack. "Seize the one who cannot hear me. I will make him hear me."

404 watched as Siren and Dream seemed to be fighting for control over themselves. He stared at his watch and Wilbur before quickly deciding what he had to do. 404 raised a single finger to lip as he spoke. "You are loyal to me. Not the Egg. Stand before me and resist your greatest temptation." 404's voice boomed across the entire cavern. He had a smile over his face as he saw a good chunk of the crowd stand up. "Now fight the followers of the Egg."

404 reached over Sapnap and punched Dream in the gut before pulling his arm back and elbowing Wilbur in the stomach. Both men groaned as they held their abdomen. "You could've just snapped your fingers instead of doing that." Siren complained.

"That's not fun. We need a plan and quickly. What do you got, blondie?" 404 asked, staring at the hero. All of a sudden there was a loud whistle and a boom. Dream looked up to see a firework explode against the Egg. He grinned as he saw multiple following it. All of the Egg's followers stopped as they turned in the direction they came from.

Dream has never been so happy to see his greatest enemy. Technoblade was standing above them all on a ledge. Next to him was Avarice whose yellow wings were fully spread. Dream recognized Flawless and Avarice's right-hand man, the Gooper. Dream knew it was a stupid name, but that was what the villain had chosen. Avarice jumped off the ledge and flew above everyone. He avoided the projectiles thrown at him and swooped up Nuke who was backed into a corner.

Nuke started rapidly throwing bombs at the crowds of people underneath them. The cavern seemed to be constantly shaking as the explosions went off. Dream's eyes widened as he saw Red Hood clutching Technoblade's cape. "Why is Tommy here!?" Dream yelled to 404 and Siren. 404's eyes widened, and he assumed Siren's did too behind his mask. Siren's jaw dropped as he stared at his fellow member.

Siren raised a finger to his lip as George had done before. "I said to wait in the fucking car! Both of you!" Wilbur's voice boomed over the cavern. It was louder than the explosions and the sound of people screaming and fighting.

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