You're Not Sorry

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Sapnap heard about what happened with Dream and his sister. Dream said that she came home and left a note for their parents when they were at work that she was out with her friends. That was three days ago. Now Sapnap was staring at the news as a familiar face popped up. "CLAY! YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!" Dream walked into the living room confused before he ran over to the couch when he saw the photo.

"Girl Has Been Missing For Several Days. Name: Drista Block. Age: Twelve. Hair Color: Dirty Blonde. Eye Color: Green. Height: 5'2. Weight: 103. Last Seen: Four Days Ago." Dream sat down on the couch as he let the information process. "This is all my fault Sap." Dream said with his head in his hands. He ran his hands through his hair as he tried to think.

"Can't we go out to look for her?" Sapnap gently asked. Dream silently shook his head. He leaned back on the couch with his head resting against the cushion.

"This is the job of the police. Not me and you. Civilian affairs are not matters of us. The police will handle it and keep her parents updated." Dream recited what he has been told every time he wants to help the police force instead of the Academy. "I have paperwork to do." Dream said standing up and putting his black Nike jacket on. "I'll be home later tonight. I left you a twenty on the table to order food. No patrol tonight. I don't care what the Academy says. Stay inside and don't open the door for anyone." Dream said, rustling Sapnap's hair as he walked out the door.

"I'm not ten, Clay. I know how to handle myself without you trying to parent me constantly." Sapnap said laughing and swatting Dream's hand away.

"Dream. Just because you know my real name doesn't mean you get to address me by it. I'm still your boss. I don't call you by your government name. Wait. Please don't tell me your parents named you Sapnap!" Dream said laughing receiving a light punch in the shoulder from Sapnap.

"It's a great name. So is Inferno. You wouldn't get it CLAY." The younger said, pushing his mentor out the door. The second the door shut, and he locked it, Sapnap walked back to his room. He pulled the business card out of his pocket and signed as he pulled his phone out and started to dial the number.

"George Davidson. How can I help you?"

"It's Inferno. You said you could help me."

"Of course, I can. I want something in return. I want those sabers that you stole. Get me those and I'll be your best friend. I need to know what they are made of to see if I can replicate it for bigger weapons."

"I know where they are. I can bring them in an hour."

"And what of your mentor? I have no interest in dealing with him."

"He won't be a problem."

"That's all you had to say. I'll see you at the ruins of my lab. We will discuss my end of the deal there." With that the line went silent. Sapnap signed as he grabbed his costume and began to put it on. Dream wasn't letting him go on patrol anymore. He didn't want to come face to face with the Syndicate. Sapnap knew he was lying. He saw how Dream treated him, especially after he failed to fight Siren's mind control. Dream thought that he was sending Sapnap to an early grave by taking him with him.

Sapnap scrunched his suit at the thought. He hated that Dream thought he was weak. He earned his spot to be his sidekick and Dream babied him. He was a menace and Dream needed to treat him like one. Not like a little sibling. Sapnap fixed the black mask on his eyes before heading over to Dream's room.

Sapnap ignored all of the holes in the wall that his mentor punched into it. He's heard the outbursts, and he didn't have an interest to deal with it. He has been the number one's sidekick for five days and it was nowhere near as glamorous as he thought. Sapnap walked over to the desk where Dream left the sabers lying. He picked them up and secured them to the sheath on his tool belt. The purple clashed with his black, white, and red suit, but what else could he do?

Sapnap was about to walk away when the name on one of the files caught his eye. He didn't know what all Dream took but he had no idea why Dream had a file on George Davidson. Sapnap grabbed the file, sat down, and read it. It was pretty basic information except for the fact George was kin to one of the biggest super villains. There was a reason George wanted the sabers.

Sapnap stuffed the file into his black Nike backpack and jumped out of Dream's window. He got down the way Dream taught him and used his memory from his first patrol to get to Logstedshire. He pulled his phone out once he hit the outskirts and used google maps to get to the lab by the docks.

Sapnap stopped when he was at the rubble of the lab. No sign of life in sight on the docks. That was until the rubble moved from five feet away from him. It lifted up like a secret hatch to a staircase that led down. Sapnap shrugged his shoulders before descending down the long flight of stairs. He thought about his hatred for stairs the whole five minutes down.

When he stopped, he was in the pristine untouched part of the lab. The bunker. It had tile floors with long hallways that led to more halls and rooms with equipment. Sapnap flinched and swung when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. The scientist ducked and laughed.

"Someone's jumpy. Follow me, Inferno." George said, lightheartedly before leading Sapnap down to a random door on the left. It was a basic office that had a window that looked out to a room. George had the blinds pulled down so Sapnap couldn't see what it was. He took a seat across from George's desk. The scientist followed suit.

Sapnap pulled the sabers out of the sheath with a bored expression. The brunette's eyes lit up as he stared at them. He was about to grab them when Sapnap swatted his hand away. "Not so fast. My end of the deal."

George retracted and leaned back in his office chair. "What do you want for it? Money? Drugs? Information on one of your colleagues?" George asked, bored all of sudden.

Sapnap pulled the file up and placed it on the desk so George could see it. The man's expression changed to stone hard and slightly confused. "This is you. Correct?"

"What are you getting at? I have done nothing wrong if you are trying to arrest me." The Brit replied, crossing his arms over his lab coat defensively.

"This is why the Syndicate was bugging you? They want you to join them?" George hesitantly nodded, having no clue where it was going. "I want you to join the Hero Academy. You have to have similar powers to her! We could take down the Syndicate."

"I have no interest in taking down the Syndicate. Or joining your side."


"You got the information you wanted. We are done here." The man said reaching for the sabers before Sapnap swiped them and pointed them at George's neck.

"Not so fast. I have the high ground here. You are answering my questions until I have no more. I could kill you and blame it on any minor villain you've worked with or on any family you have left." George laughed in Sapnap's face despite having a blade pointed at his throat.

"My reputation precedes me. I have more information than anyone could think. Even on you." Sapnap's eyes widened as he nudged the blade closer to his chest. "Nicholas Armstrong. Formerly known as Hellfire the villain. Current alias being Inferno. Age sixteen and sidekick of Clay Block. Also known as Dream. The walls talk, Nick." He said with a sly smile on his face.

Sapnap stuttered on his words as he lowered the saber away from his neck. "That was a smart decision. Wouldn't want to end up in the Vault now, would we? Now give me my swords and your secret is safe with me."

Sapnap slammed the sabers on the desk causing George's eyes to widen before a twisted smile graced his face. "Are we done here!?" Sapnap said, getting ready to leave.

"Tsk. Just one more thing Nick. You work for me. Not your little mentor. If I want something, you will get it. I want to destroy your mentor's life. You will help. In exchange I will grant your family my undying protection and of course my sealed lips." George held out a blue phone with his "G" logo in the place of a brand logo. He was resting his head in his right hand, almost bored with how victory tasted.

Sapnap had no more words to say. He wanted to kill the man in front of him. He wanted to slam his head down on the desk repeatedly until there wasn't even a twitch left in his body. He wanted to plunge a sword into his heart. A pencil into his eye would even be satisfying. He wanted to wring the man dry of any blood and drag his dead body through the entire city. Anything to get rid of that annoying grin on his face.

"Deal." And with that Sapnap grabbed the phone and left.

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