Story Notes

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I have dreaded writing the end of this story. It has been by my side for six months and it is finally over. I am writing this as I had just finished the final chapter of this fanfic. Fun fact, every story that I have written has doubled in word count. Survival had 25k words. Not Everyone Can Be A Hero had 50k words. I poured my love into this story towards the end which causes every chapter after 20 to be on a completely different level.

April 9th, 2023 - October 19th, 2023

Chapters: 35

Time Taken:  194 Days

Word Count Of The Main Story: 101,005

Word Count With Bonuses: 111.592

I had a playlist I used once I realized how I wanted the story to end, and it was the only thing keeping me typing at one point. I thought I was losing it at one point, so I made a timeline to keep track of events after I had taken breaks or got too busy to write constantly. 


Day One: Sapnap is assigned to Dream. Syndicate appears for the first time in five years.

Day Two: Drista runs away.

Day Five: Drista is officially missing. Sapnap joins George's side. 404 enters the picture.

Day Five Night: Wilbur picks up Sapnap.

Day Six: Coffee shop fight with Technoblade. Prison visit. Dream has to identify a body.

Day Seven: Date night crashed by supervillains.

Day Eight: Emergency meeting. Meeting with George. Wilbur is taken hostage.

Day Nine: More heroes are gone. George is now missing.

Day Ten: Dream and Sapnap fight. Dream comes across the egg.

Day Thirteen: Sapnap dies, Tommy dies, Wilbur dies, Felicity dies.

Day Fourteen: Dream stabs George. George hits the button.

If you have made it this far, thank you. I appreciate you. I appreciate those who just read. The ones who leave their comments and make me smile, and the ones who favorite every chapter. I love seeing the names of the reading lists that my stories get added to. Thank you for reading. You are loved.

Thank you. <3

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