Testing His Limits

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Dream watched as the sun went down and he put his suit on. He placed his white porcelain mask on with a black smiley face painted on. It fell just above his mouth as the Academy thought it would make him seem more human and hero-like. Dream walked out his room not caring if Drista saw him as she already knew. "C'mon Sapnap. We're going on patrol." Dream yelled after knocking on his new roommate's door.

Sapnap opened the door with a black mask over his eyes and a white and black super suit with red accents. He had a white bandana tied around his forehead. Dream let out a small snicker when he realized he looked like a panda. "Let's go, Panda boy." Dream walked over to the window in Sapnap's room and jumped out. He landed on the fire escape a story down as he was on the top floor of a twenty-story apartment complex. Sapnap landed with a soft "oof" before turning to Dream with big dark blue eyes.

Dream grabbed the pen he always carried on him. He pulled it out and clicked the pen twice. Like magic, it transformed into a sword. Dream grabbed Sapnap's hand with his left hand and jumped off of the fire escape. He plunged the sword into the side of the complex as they fell, slowing them down and stopping about a story above the ground. Dream let go of Sapnap's hand and placed both of his hands on the hilt of his sword and his feet on the wall to pull it out as it was too early into the night to lose his sword.

Sapnap was on the ground watching as Dream fell like it was nothing and as if he did it every night. Dream checked his watch and groaned. "What is it?" Sapnap asked, confused with the hero's attitude.

"There is a lot of activity in Logstedshire tonight. I hate that place." Logstedshire was the worst region of the city. It was the poorest section, thus always full of normal crime. The police never did anything, so Dream took care of it. The Esempi region was more of Dream's cup of coffee as it was where villains attacked the most, because it was the richest part and he lived there. Dream ran through the alleyways to the fastest backend route to Logstedshire. Sapnap trailing behind.

After ten minutes or so, they finally got to the outskirts of the area. Dream could tell just from the smell of garbage and the occasional person in the alleyway sleeping. The second he saw a ladder he climbed it. "It's better to be on the rooftops in Logstedshire. I don't want to deal with the typical drunk right now." Sapnap nodded as he got on top of the roof next to Dream. The duo jumped rooftop to rooftop aimlessly until they heard a gunshot a couple blocks away.

Sapnap nudged Dream with a smile before jumping to a roof closer in the direction. Dream followed him even if his hearing was probably better than the younger ones. He had to see what all Number #188 could do.

Sapnap was leaning over the edge of the rooftop staring into the alleyway. He heard Dream and raised a finger to his lip.

"C'mon mate." One voice said with a British accent.

"I'm not interested. Now leave me alone. I don't want any trouble." One with a lighter British accent said. Dream leaned over the half wall of the roof to get a look at the scene.

There were four men. It looked like a group of three and one on his own. The one on his own was wearing a white button up shirt and black slacks. He had dark brown hair and was probably a young adult. His hair was slicked back in a professional manner. The other three looked a lot more interesting. One of them was tall and lanky with wavy brown hair and a black beanie. He had a black trench coat on with a navy-blue shirt and black pants. He had a mask over the bottom half of his face.

The one with the gun had blonde hair. He had it tied in a small ponytail. He had a black turtleneck on with a long green jacket over it. He had a black facemask on and a white and green striped hat on his head. Dream felt himself grow uneasy as he got a good glimpse of the third.

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