Bonus: The Visit To Pandora's Vault

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 George ran through the streets of Snowchester. He did it! He pulled off a prison break with no help. More or less. He ran with his older sister in his arms. She was pulling on his shirt to avoid making any sounds of pain.

He dashed into the alleyway where the getaway car was parked. He jumped into the backseat, placing Felicity by his side. "Drive!" George yelled. Siren smiled back at him before putting the car in drive and speeding out of the alleyway. Felicity seemed to snap back into reality as she pushed away from George.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get into the prison? What do you want from me?" She rapidly fired questions. Her voice was hoarse from the lack of use. George put his goggles on top of his head and pulled his face mask down. He turned towards his sister with a soft smile on her face.

Her eyes lit up as she threw herself on top of him in a hug. "You're alive! Oh my god. I thought you died! I couldn't find you in the basement. I didn't know if the Academy got you or if the building fell on top of you. How did you get out?" She asked, holding onto George too tight.

"We all got out. Techno used his strength to keep the rubble away while Phil flew us out." Wilbur answered from the front seat. Felicity pushed away from George and moved towards the center console to look at Wilbur.

Her eyes looked so bright and alive. "You came back! I'm so glad to see you, Will. Is Phil still kicking?" She asked jokingly. Wilbur cackled at that, almost killing them by not paying attention to the road.

"Sadly yes. He keeps complaining about his back and how he can't figure out his new phone. I'm sure you can help him. George accidentally glitched himself out of the building into Kinoko. Phil found him wandering the streets almost dead. six months later. We took him in until somebody ran away two years ago." Wilbur squinted his eyes making eye contact with George through the rearview mirror.

"You wanted me to join the Syndicate the second I turned eighteen."

"And you came back to us eighteen months later needing help. We're here." Wilbur jumped out of the car first, a little annoyed at George.

"Can you walk?" Felicity shook her head. She barely moved in her cell. Sitting in the same spot for days on end. George flicked his wrist and a glowing purple thread shot out from her heart. George felt the energy drain out of him as he healed the stab wound in her thigh.

He leaned against the car to catch his breath when he was done. Wilbur walked around the car and picked his friend up. Felicity laughed when Will spun around while carrying her. George followed them inside to the cabin in the middle of nowhere. It was twenty miles outside of Logstedshire.

George walked ahead to open the door to the cabin. Phil was in the kitchen making lunch while Techno was sitting on the couch reading next to a child. The boy was asleep on Techno's shoulder wrapped in his cape for warmth. "We're back and alive!" George yelled, getting a stern look from Techno gesturing to the teenager on top of him.

"Good. We were getting worried. You were definitely more than an hour. We're having burgers and fries for lunch." Phil yelled from the kitchen. Also getting a look from Techno. Wilbur walked in and threw Felicity over the couch. Techno jumped from the surprise of someone else being in their home.

"Did you both kidnap someone on the way back from the bank?" Techno asked with some curiosity in his voice. Phil's wings perked up from inside the kitchen.

"You did WHAT?" Phil yelled, turning around and running into the living room. Phil was ready to kill the stranger. He couldn't have the cops at his doorstep. Nobody knew where they were, and it had to stay that way. He had to protect his sons. No matter what.

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