The Egg

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Dream sped off in his car with George barely conscious in the passenger seat. The brunette had blood all over him and his hands were still tied up in front of him. George had his head slumped against the headrest; his eyes were barely opened.

"Where are you hurt?" Dream asked, refusing to look at the brunette. His voice was monotone as his eyes were fixed on the road. George's eyes widened as he stared at Dream.

"Why did you do that? You almost had the Syndicates identities. Why would you trade your leverage for me?"

"We are required by the Academy to do anything to save a life. Where are you hurt? Do I need to take you to a hospital?" Dream asked a lot more sternly this time. George seemed to relax at Dream's response.

George slowly looked over at Dream. Dream hit the brakes when he finally got a good look at the brunette. George yelped at the sudden stop as they were going around eighty miles per hour. The brunette was shocked that the car didn't flip. Dream put the car in park as he got out and walked over to George's side.

Dream opened the door and felt absolute horror overcome him. George had a white streak in his hair. His lip was busted, and his eyes looked dull and dead. Dream would've thought he was dead if George's eyes weren't scanning his face. Dream felt horrible for accusing this man of being 404. He looked like he was on the edge of death. "We need to get you to a hospital. You look like you're on death's doorstep."

"I'm fine. Really. Can you just take me to my apartment?" George quietly asked. Felicity got into a fight with some hero on her way back to the warehouse. They had shot her multiple times. It was a miracle she had gotten back to the Logstedshire docks before she had passed out. George thought she was going to die so he mimicked her power and healed his older sister.

Dream hesitantly nodded as he closed George's door and got back into the car. Dream started the car and was about to drive the route he had taken when he had to get home from George's apartment before he froze. That was Clay not Dream. "Um. Where do you live?" Dream asked sheepishly.

"Pogtopia. Just drop me off at me off by Madness Milkshakes. I live near there." George explained, reclining his seat backwards and practically laying down. Dream left the brunette alone as he put in the GPS Madness Milkshakes. It was on the other side of town almost an hour and a half away.

Dream internally groaned as he realized he had to drive through the Greater Esempi, Dogwarts, the Badlands, Manburg, and L'manburg. George was lucky that this was part of his job or Dream would've dropped the man off by the Academy and told him to walk. George was lucky that Clay loved him, because there was no way in hell he would drive across the city and back for a civilian.

Dream shifted the car into drive and went fifteen over the speed limit, so it would only take them an hour. They drove in silence for twenty minutes with George quietly snoring from the passenger seat. They were leaving Dogwarts when Dream heard a loud bang. Gun shots. The sound of metal on metal hitting George's side of the car gave it away. The bullet shattering the passenger window was the confirmation.

"Stay down!" Dream yelled, noticing how George was about to sit up. Dream pressed a hand to the brunette's chest while driving with his left. George looked confused on what was going on. "Someone is shooting at us. Hold on." Dream quickly explained, taking a sharp right that threw George to the left side of the car. The brunette hit head on the center console but that was about it.

"They are aiming for your tires!" George yelled over the rapid gunshots. Some were coming from behind; most were aimed at George's side of the car.

"Oh, fuck me!" Dream yelled when he heard a loud thud from above them. George could see a dent in the roof of the sports car. Dream took a sharp left to try to throw the person above them off.

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