Trust Me

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Sapnap woke up startled. It was pitch black outside and his phone was ringing. The ravenette grabbed his phone and raised an eyebrow when it wasn't going off.

It wasn't his ringtone. The ravenette groaned when he realized which phone it was. Sapnap pushed himself off the couch, grabbed his IV pole with his left hand and rolled it to his room. He closed the door behind him before picking up the blue phone with the "G" logo.

"What the hell do you want?" Sapnap spit out the words. He was mad and he had every right to be.

"Someone's feisty. I need you to meet me by the L'manburg docks. Warehouse 243." The scientist's voice rang through the phone.

"I can't really get there. I'm in a fucking wheelchair and a sling." Sapnap didn't hold his anger back. He was standing fine right now but his legs were shaking, and he was leaning on his desk.

"I will send one of my friends to pick you up. Put on some basic clothes and stand in front of your apartment until he gets there." George said dully. He didn't really care for the arrangements he had to make.

"But I- I can't leave right now. Dream would wake up. He's on edge right now." Sapnap whispered the last part into the phone.

"I wouldn't worry about him. The situation is under control if you would just follow my orders." George said before hanging up. Sapnap shuttered at the words the older man said. He didn't want to know what they did to his mentor.

Sapnap took a deep breath as he brought his left arm towards his mouth. He needed to take the IV out and he was down an arm. He bit on the tube and yanked his arm and head away in different directions. The boy let out a muffled groan before spitting the tube out.

No more pain medicine for a bit. Sapnap leaned out his desk and dresser to get to his closet. He unclipped his sling to change and put on some basketball shorts and a red Nike t-shirt. He threw on a black jacket and pulled one arm through. He let the other side rest over his sling. Sapnap stumbled out of his room and towards the kitchen. He grabbed Dream's green lanyard that had the keys to the car and apartment. He slipped it on his head and left.

Sapnap walked out of the complex and was immediately met with a blue sports car that matched the color of his new phone. Sapnap hopped into the backseat. He had the phone that his mom bought him in the pocket of his pants and the one George gave him in his jacket pocket. He didn't know what to expect.

He was powerless and unarmed. Sapnap was on edge. He was scared of George and could barely walk, much less fight. Sapnap jumped when he looked up at who was driving the car.

"Lovely evening, mate!" The man with the brown curly hair and the trench coat said. Sapnap almost screamed on the spot. He was being ubered around by a villain. A member of the Syndicate with a power that he has fought against.

Siren smiled at Sapnap through the rearview mirror before pulling away from the curb. Siren was dressed in his usual outfit with his mask on. Sapnap shuttered at the way he was forced to trust a villain who had tried to kill him.

"So, what's your business with George? From what I've seen he makes everyone go out of their way to see him. Usually, they walk. You're the second person I've driven to meet him. You have to be really important to him. So, what did you do? You seem like the average teenager." Siren rambled on as he drove.

Sapnap thought about it before he responded. "I just have something he wants. I don't mean no harm I promise. It was an accident." Sapnap lied. He didn't want Siren to think he was dangerous and attack him. He didn't want to be controlled right now. Sapnap nervously pulled his jacket closer to his chest to hide his arm in the sling with the stupid metal band.

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