A Psychopath And A Sociopath

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Dream managed to pull himself together the next day. He knew Drista was dead. It just hurt for him to see it. He didn't have time to grieve. He still had responsibilities. The world didn't stop turning, because his personal one did. His phone was blowing up from his coworkers and parents texting him.

Drista was the first victim of the Syndicate being back. He read the articles posted on the news. It was a big deal, especially with her condition. Sure. There were a couple other attacks from the Syndicate. Banks being robbed, museums being broken into, military bases missing deadly weapons, and Davidson Labs getting completely blown up. Those were kept under wraps. Grian was able to cover those up. A twelve-year-old who went missing and was found dead is different. It's an attack on civilians.

His encounter with Techno also got out. There were photos online and interviews from the people who were in the coffee shop. It's not every day a civilian is targeted. Especially in a public place. He silenced his phone before getting dressed.

He put on a black button up shirt and some black slacks. He borrowed some of Sapnap's hair gel to try to tame his hair's messy nature. It worked more or less. There were still a couple stray hairs, but he couldn't care less about them. Sapnap gave him a weird look as he walked out the door and said bye.

He turned on the radio and jammed out on his way to George's shitty apartment. He realized how worn down the neighborhood was. His nice green sports car stood out like a sore thumb. He would usually get out of the car and walk the brunette down, but he felt like if he left his tires would be stolen.

He zoned out and scrolled on his phone for a bit. He almost pissed himself when George knocked on the window for him to unlock it. He could see the older man laughing as Dream flipped him off before unlocking the door.

George hopped in still giggling. He was holding his stomach as he keeled over laughing. Dream just smiled as he stared at the other. George was wearing a blue button up shirt that wasn't buttoned all the way. He had his usual golden chain on with black slacks and some worn down dress shoes. He loved how he could see the brunette's collar bone with how much it was unbuttoned. It made his nice clothes seem more casual.

"Are you done drooling?" George asked, smiling at the older. Dream zoned back in with a sheepish grin and a little blush on his face from the embarrassment of being caught. "I would like to go eat before the sun is completely down." George joked as Dream nodded his head and pulled the car out of the parking lot.

George took aux and put on his favorite song. Dream immediately recognized it as Scott's elevator music. It was Escape by Rupert Holmes. "Oh my god. My roommate loves this song. His name is Sapn- Nick. His name is Nick, and he is a bitch." Dream joked, catching a look of confusion in George's eye for a second. Dream rolled his eyes jokingly as George cranked the music up and started singing along.

Dream let the older jam as he pulled up to a fancy restaurant. It was called Manifold Manifestation in the Badlands area. Dream thought it was a dumb name, but he heard it had really good food. Dream parked the car and walked over towards George's side. The brunette was halfway out of the car before Dream pushed him back inside and slammed the door.

The blonde smiled as he opened the door and offered George his hand. "You're an idiot." George commented as he slapped Dream's hand and got out of the car without help.

"Chivalry is not dead." The younger joked as he walked towards the restaurant with George by his side.

"It definitely is if you push someone down just to open a door for them."

"You were trying to open the door on your own."

"Duh. I'm older than you."

"I don't see you opening doors for me then."

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