You're Not My Type

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"Clay. Clay?" Dream opened his eyes. He was lying down on the couch in his apartment. Drista was standing over him with a smile on her face. She was shaking him to wake him up.

Dream recognized the way the ends of her hair was a greenish teal. He noticed how her eyes were still bright and she had more baby fat in her cheeks. She was maybe ten years old. "What?" Dream whispered, wanting to go back to sleep.

She shook him again. "It's Christmas morning! We need to open presents!" She whispered back. Dream slowly opened his eyes. Drista was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with some green flannel pajamas.

Dream knew without looking he was wearing the same one as she picked them out for his sixteenth birthday. He slowly sat up. Drista had on a Santa hat. She quickly put one on Dream's head before he could object.

The blonde got up and made hot cocoa with Drista. They drank it as they attempted to build a gingerbread house. They both gave up after twenty minutes and ended up throwing the gingerbread at each other while Drista ate the frosting and all the candy she liked. She left Dream the gross candy and the gingerbread. The blonde rolled his eyes as he ate it anyways as he watched her fondly.

Drista cleaned up her mess and dragged him towards the tree. She made Dream sit down and watched eagerly as he opened his present. He smiled when he saw it was a new watch since his last one broke while fighting a villain. He told Drista he fell on it which wasn't a huge lie.

He watched as she opened all the gifts, he got her. It took over an hour since he got her a nerf gun and she chased him around the house trying to shoot him in the face. He eventually won when he pulled out a semi-automatic nerf gun. He knew he spoiled Drista. She knew this as well. He didn't have much to spend his money he got from being a hero on.

They paid for his home and his food. There were no bills. Drista only let him buy her stuff occasionally, so he went all out for her birthday and the holidays.

Drista gave him a hug after she opened all of her gifts. They spent the rest of the morning watching Christmas movies until they eventually went to their parents' house for lunch.

It was Clay's favorite memory. Everything went perfectly that day. There were no fights. Only love and happiness. They hopped in the car. Drista had aux as usual and played her music. Dream didn't mind.

The roads were slick with ice. Dream furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't remember it being cold outside. It hardly gets cold in Florida. He drove carefully to their parent's house.

Dream zoned out until he noticed Drista was acting nervous. She kept looking around. Before Dream could say anything, he heard a loud screech to his left. He quickly looked over and saw a pickup driving towards him quickly. The truck couldn't stop because of the ice. Dream saw Drista's eyes widen. He kept one arm on the wheel as he used his right arm to push her further into her seat. Dream heard Drista scream before the car flipped.

Dream woke up in the car still. It was laying on his side with his door against the ground. Dream looked around inspecting the damage. He was now facing the sidewalk instead of the road. His windshield was shattered, and he was covered in broken glass. He looked towards the passenger side and panicked when it was empty. The airbag on her side went off. Dream unbuckled his seatbelt. He pulled his sore legs out from under the wheel. He placed his feet where his window once was. He pulled himself out of the car through the broken passenger window.

Dream landed on the sidewalk with his legs shaking. He looked around and ran when he saw Drista laying on the sidewalk by an alley. She was in a puddle of blood. Dream doesn't know how but she flew through the windshield.

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