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Sapnap was uneasy. He had every reason to be. He was scared of his mentor and completely powerless against anyone who chose to pick a fight with him.

Sapnap took a deep breath before speaking. "What's wrong?" He asked his mentor, genuinely concerned. Dream was distraught and anyone could see it.

"They found out. They know about the fire. Someone messed with the footage, so it looked like you did it behind my back. I didn't deny it. They said they'll transfer you if I don't get you under control." Dream said numbly. He was tired and sick of feeling all of these emotions.

"But I acted on your command! I didn't do anything wrong! You told me to do it and I listened! Why didn't you lie or do something?" Sapnap was yelling. He was scared. He has been threatened with the same thing three times. This one took the cake. The Platinum Rings wanted to dispose of him if he didn't fix something he was told to do.

"I know! Okay! I know Sap! You don't understand how powerful the others are. They are all terrifying and dangerous. If they want to get rid of someone they can and will." Dream calmed his voice down when he saw how high Sap's heart rate was.

"I just want to go home. Can we go back to the apartment?" Sapnap asked sadly. He knew what the answer was going to be, but he was scared up here.

Dream nodded. "I will see what I can do. Get some rest and you'll be back in your bed before you know it." Dream said softly. He stood up and walked to his elevator. He had to talk to some doctor. Niki was technically Sapnap's medic, but he didn't feel like talking to them.

Dream stopped the medic who treated Sapnap when he walked in earlier. "Excuse me." Dream tapped her on the shoulder. She looked annoyed for a second before seeing Dream and looking around.

"Yes sir? Do you need something?" She carefully asked. She kept looking around like he was talking to someone else.

"I'm taking my sidekick back to our home. Does he have any medicine or anything I need to watch for?" Dream asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

The girl made a weird face before replying. "He really shouldn't... he shouldn't miss a dose of his medicine. Don't let him use that arm in the sling. Keep him hooked up to the IV. He's barely alive so make sure he is eating and drinking." She explained, stopping herself from going off the blonde.

She grabbed a bag full of medicine before handing it to Dream and bidding him a good day. Dream rolled his eyes under his mask and left. It was common sense for all of the stuff she told him.

Dream pulled his phone out and called his personal driver. All of the top ten heroes had one. Dream rarely used his since he had a car, but he needed it today. Dream rode back up to his floor to get Sapnap. There was a wheelchair that he was in since he was still shaky from having his life sucked out of him.

Dream rolled Sapnap into the elevator along with an IV pole as well. Sapnap was asleep in the wheelchair. He had his mask off again. Dream looked around the lounge and couldn't find it anywhere. With a sigh, Dream took his own mask off and adjusted it to rest loosely on his sidekick's face.

Dream changed out of his hero suit and put on a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. He put his uniform in a backpack and grabbed a black face mask. He wrapped it around his ears twice to be safe. Nobody would recognize him without his uniform or mask.

He looked like a random assistant. He didn't mind his eyes being shown to people. You can't identify someone off of their eyes and eyebrows. You can identify someone just from the lower half of their face.

It only takes one little freckle or a birthmark to get your identity leaked. Dream pulled the mask over his nose and got in the elevator. He rolled Sapnap out of the building and into his personal limo. It was too flashy for his taste, but Lizzie insisted, and he couldn't tell her no. Dream lifted Sapnap's wheelchair up and placed it in the limo. He climbed in afterwards.

It was a short ride to their apartment as Headquarters was barely a mile away. Dream watched out the windows. He felt bitterness when he saw families enjoying their day and pointing at his car. The kids stared at it in awe with a shine in their eyes. If only they knew what it costs for something like this.

It felt wrong to Dream. He wasn't like the other heroes. They all worked to get their way to the top. They have shown kindness time and time again. They are humane and genuine.

They all pity new recruits who come in. They stare at the children with a yearning to take them home and wrap them in a blanket safe from the troubles of the world. He has never felt that. He didn't like new recruits enough to feel sympathy. He wouldn't take a fatal bullet for his sidekick. He didn't care for civilians that much. It was just part of the job to him at this point. Everything was an act for him.

Why should he care? His parents died in a fire that he caused. His sister ran away. His sidekick was on death's doorstep. His mentors died protecting him. He has imprisoned innocent people. The biggest villains were back, and he had to retreat from a fight.

Dream was snapped out of his thoughts when the limo stopped in front of his apartment. He thanked the driver and wheeled Sapnap out of the car. They went through the elevator and up to their apartment. Dream searched his pockets for his key and let out a breath when he found it.

He ruffled Sapnap's hair before opening the door and getting Sapnap set up in the living room. The ravenette was barely awake. He had a clouded gaze as he stared straight at Dream.

The blonde knelt to the ground to be closer to the sixteen-year-old. "I will put that motherfucker in jail. He will not see the light of day again. I promise Sap." Dream said, wholeheartedly. The boy nodded before closing his eyes and leaning back.

Dream picked him up and laid his sidekick on the couch with a pillow and blanket. He moved Sapnap's IV pole closer so the line would be slack. Dream watched his sidekick sleep before going up to his room.

He drifted off before he even hit the pillow that costed more than he would ever be worth.

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