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Travis's POV

Casually waking up in the middle of the night as always, but this time no specific reason. I wrote a note in Taylor's notebook and I just scrolled on my phone through pictures of today. Taylor was still knocked out laying on me, she's so cute when she sleeps.

I went to twitter.

@Killatrav; if you can't tell already how obsessed I am with Taylor, then you're blind, took her to the fair today and spent the whole day there. I love all these moments I get with her. ♥️

I smile at Taylor while she sleeps. I really do love her.

I decided I was gonna take her into city and bring her to a zoo, I know reliving some of her childhood favorites is her favorite thing to do.

I fall back asleep soon after setting an alarm for 7 so we can be there early.


I sneak out of the little cuddle not waking Taylor. I grab my clothes and hop in the shower.

I went back over to the bed and I tapped Taylor gently.

"Hey, Taylor, get up, we're going on another adventure, get ready," I said as her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning," she says.

"Morning beautiful," I say kissing her cheek.

"You're not telling me what we're doing I take it?" She asked.

"Nope," I say and she looks at me with a frown.

"You're annoying," she says grabbing her clothes and going to shower.

Taylor's POV

It was chillier today, now that it was the first week in September. I decided to wear leggings, and a flannel. Travis and I have together the whole week, and we haven't really put labels on things, he post about me, he calls me "his girl" and nothing more, which I'll take. Coming to my senses that as long as it's been since Joe and I were together, I think this is a new beginning. I realize how attached to Travis I am. And I know that Donna is raising him right.

"Okay so I won't blindfold torture you again but I'm still going to not tell you," Travis said.

"Okay fine, fine," I said. He grabbed my waist and we walked out together. There was paparazzi for the first time in a while.

"I got you," he says grabbing my hand and leading my hand but taking his time to let me walk. Joe never let me get the time of day.

He helps me in and sits down next to me and then wraps his arms around me.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this," I said. He kisses the top of my head.

"We are going to deal with it together, I'm not going through it unless it for protection of you," Travis said.

We began driving to the destination. I sat there in Travis arms.


Travis's POV

I won't let Taylor go through this alone, I'm here to protect her all the way till the end. We made it to the zoo, and I got out and helped Taylor out.

"Close your eyes," I said helping her out of the car.

"Okay," she says grabbing my hand.

"And now, open," I said and her eyes went wide.

"Trav!" She squeals and hugs me, she looks up and kissed me.

"Lets go in shall we," I said and she nodded holding my hand.

"For 2 please," I said to the man at the ticket office.

"Oh Mr Kelce and Ms Swift! It's a please to serve you today, here you go," he said handing me our Tickets.

"Thank you sir! Good to meet you aswell," I said and we went in.

Taylor looked like a little kid in a candy store, she was all eyes looking at everything.

We made the first stop to the Lions. "The big cats" she likes to refer them to.

"Travis your like a tiger, big and courageous, and fluffy," Taylor said.

"Fluffy?" I questioned. She then hugs me and I hug her back.

"Fluffy," she says. I was still confused but we laughed and continued walking around.


Taylor was on my back, one of my favorite things to do is give her piggy backs and she leans her head on my neck.

"Hey I'm kinda hungry, wanna go get food?" I asked.

"Yeah that sounds good," she said and we walked over to get food.

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