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Travis's POV

Pax and I were watching TV when the food came. We walked upstairs and I paid the man and we brought the food to the kitchen.

"Im going to bring food to Taylor then we can go back downstairs," I said. Paxton nodded.

I brought taylor food and I was a little concerned that my daughter hasn't woke up yet.

"She's still sleeping?" I said sitting down next to her.

"Yeah she's still really warm, but I'll take her to the doctor if she's still like this tomorrow," Taylor said.

"The games in 2 days, what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"I can call someone, I just don't want her being alone," Taylor said.

"But I don't want you to miss out, this is your first NFL WAG Super Bowl! All your girls will be there," I said.

"But if all else fails I have my one and only girl right here, I'll just need to stay home Trav." She said.

"I know, if I was in your shoes and not playing football I would have said the same thing," I said.

"Thank you for understanding babe, I appreciate it," she said.

"Of course Taylor, I'll see you upstairs later alright?" I asked.

"Of course I'll see you later," Taylor said and I went downstairs.

Taylor's POV

Hannah was still sleeping. I rubbed her arm to wake her up.

"Han, Han, wake up babe, you've been sleeping all day," I said.

"Mom I don't feel good," Hannah cries. Here eyes were bloodshot, her head was warm. I didn't want to put her through the trauma right now of the emergency room, but at the same time, she could be super sick.

"It's probably just the flu baby, go back to sleep," I said and she just shook in my arms. She was so cold. I brought her up to my room.

"Babe, can you get me more blankets," I called worried.

"I'm on my way," he called and ran upstairs.

"She's so cold Trav, I think it's really getting to her," I said.

"She'll be asleep in no time, but monitor her till I come up, if nothing changes we gotta bring her, I know she hates hospitals but she's gotta be checked out," Travis said and he hugged me.

"I know your scared babe," He said and I cried into his chest holding Hannah tight to me.

"I love you guys I'll be up in a bit, goodnight," He added.

"Night babe, love you," I said and he kissed me as I laid down with Hannah in my arms.

••• The Day Before Super Bowl

It was 6am and Hannah is still not doing well, she was up for a bit yesterday but she was moody and aggravated. She slept in our bed for the past two nights.

"Taylor cmon you can leave her for 30 minutes, she's not going anywhere, go shower and eat please, I'll watch her," Paxton said.

"Are you sure Paxt? She really only wants me," I said.

"Yeah I got her," Paxton said. I went and grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom.

Paxtons POV

I sat in the chair just monitoring my little sister, I think she's been a little timid with me since moving in. But she's been timid with Taylor too. So in any situation really we need to grab Travis. She wants her dad.

20 minutes had passed and I notice Hannah was shaking a bit, it got more vigorous as minutes went by and next thing you know she was on the floor. There was loud thud and next thing you knew.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now