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Taylor's POV

I took the car and drove back to the house.

I walked to the door and unlocked it. The dogs were barking like usual.

"Mom?" I called.

"Oh Taylor!" My mom said and she hugged me.

"Hon you look tired, want some tea?" Mom asked.

"Honestly that sounds good right now," I said.

"Come sit," my mom said.

"Did you sleep last night?" My mom asked.

"Enough, but those hospitals are so uncomfortable," I admitted.

"I bet, how's the little one?" My mom asked.

"In surgery, I've been freaking out all morning, being away this much makes me want to cry!" I told my mom.

"I know how that is Taylor, you never wanted to be away from me, I bet she's scared out of her mind," My mom said.

"I was so emotional, she finally feels comfortable around me," I said.

"Oh honey that's good," My mom said handing me tea.

"thanks, how've the dogs been, and or the cats?" I asked.

"Good as always, Rambo and Benji I'll tell you, Partner and crime those to, always hanging up on the others," My mom laughs.

"Oh my goodness, Hannah misses Benji so much," I said.

"I know! Benji has been so sad without her, sleeping on the couch where she sleeps," my mom said.

"She cannot wait to come home just to see him, speaking of, I gotta go grab clothes and get back to Trav, the surgery is supposed to take 3 hours," I said walking up to my room.

"I'll come visit her when she's out," My mom said.

"She'll appreciate that," I said and went to grab clothing for Travis and Hannah.


I was on my way back to the hospital. I grabbed coffee and walked up. Travis was sitting on his phone.

"Hey babe," I said.

"Oh hi hon!" He said hugging me.

"Anything interesting?" I asked.

"Nah just watching gameplays on my phone, did you bring some clothes?" Travis asked.

"Yea here I brought your sweats set here," I said handing it to him.

"Alright I'm going to change I'll be back," he said and walked out of the room.  I was sitting in the chair when the surgeon walked in.

"She's out of surgery, will bring her in soon, she'll be a little loopy," He said.

"Thank you," I said. Then Travis walked in.

"She's out of surgery!" I said happily.

"Oh good!" He said and I hugged him.


Not long after she was wheeled back in. She was still half asleep but waking up slowly.

"Woah? Taylor Swift is in my room! And Travis Kelce?!" She said, Travis was recording on his phone.

"Where's my leg?" She asked, her eyes were half open. Travis and I had to hold in our laughter.

"What's so funny?!" She asked.

"You're so cute!" I said.

She then fell back asleep.

"We shouldn't have recorded her," I laugh at Travis.

"I'm sending that to your mom," He said.

"Oh my god don't you dare!" I said smacking him playfully.

I went over to Hannah and sat next to her laying down and stroking her hair.

"You're gonna feel so much better," I whispered. I can see Travis with the biggest smile.

The doctor then came in.

"She can be released after these papers, easy, no stairs, and off the foot for 6-8 weeks," Dr Allan said.

"Thank you doc," Travis said as we signed the papers.

"Alright you carry the stuff I'll take Hannah," He said and I nodded. He picked up Hannah and we walked to the car.


I drove back to the house and Hannah was knocked out in Travis's arms.

We walked up to the door and the dogs we barking.

"Shhh Rambo, Chauncey!" I said trying to calm the dogs down looking back at Hannah making sure she's asleep.

"Hey Tay, hey Trav," My mom said.

"Oh hi mom you're still here?" I asked.

"I was just about to come see you guys, how's my little munchkin?" My mom asked.


Heyyyy everyone 20k?! Y'all are absolutely insane! Thank you!!

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