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Travis's POV

"Kid. Taylor. We have a kid. She's upstairs," I said and Taylor and I giggled.

"Oh my god, we have a kid, we almost forgot our kid," Taylor said laughing and we both ran upstairs.

She was laying on the bed sleeping, I rubbed her shoulder and her blue eyes fluttered.

"Hi Travis, Hi Taylor," Hannah said.

"Hey Han, you ready to go?" Taylor asked and she nodded getting up attaching herself to me.

We walked downstairs and went to the driver, Hannah was in the middle of Taylor and I and she leaned into Taylor.

I snap a picture.


We made it to the mall and got out of the car. She was holding on to Taylor's hand. Jealous I was. 

There was no paparazzi thank god.

We walked in and went to a few stores to get things for Hannah's room.


First stop was IKEA.

We started off by looking at beds for her, but more than likely she'll be in our room for a while. 

"How's this one HG?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Hannah you can get anything you want," Taylor said.

Hannah felt overwhelmed by that statement, she hugged me tightly. Softly whimpering into my hip, she was shorter so that's the only place she could reach.

"Hannah Grace, it's alright, we're here to support you, you don't need to be afraid," I reassured her picking her up.

"What about this one?" I asked her pointing at the purple one.

She smiled softly.

"Yeah? Will do the purple one then," Taylor said.

We continued walking around picking out other things, Hannah didn't speak a lot but communicated with me.

I wish she wasn't so timid around Taylor.

Taylor's POV

We've been walking around, I bought Hannah a ton of clothes and a ton of things for her room and just in general.

"Trav do you think she needs a phone?" I asked him.

"I don't think so, I also don't want her exposed to the medias," he said.

"Fair, then will hold off till she's 13," I said.


We went to the food court to grab food and then go home and grab the dogs. Hannah fussed about eating but Travis helped her. I don't think I would've helped in this situation. 

We headed back to the car. She was attached to Travis this time. She comes and goes around me.

We were driving and Hannah looked up to Travis.

"Will I ever be able to get my things?" Hannah asked and Travis looked at me.

"Only if you want to Hannah, but you don't have too," Travis said.

"Will? My parents be there?" Hannah asked.

"No hon," I said to her.

We pulled up to the house and their were people in suits outside the door.

"Travis?" She whines and hugs me tightly.

"I bet it's Social Services," I whispered to him.

Travis got out first and I stayed back with Hannah keeping our distance.

"Uhm excuse me?" Travis said to them.

"Hi I'm Taryn Edward I'm one of the Social Workers from Nashvilles Department of Social Services," she said.

"Hi Taryn I'm Travis Kelce and this is Taylor Swift, we're Hannah's foster parents, please come in," He said as I unlocked the door and she walked in and started checking out the house.

Travis's POV

Taryn stated checking out the house every from in the couches to the fridge. Hannah came back to me.

"Oh I see you have cats?" Taryn asked.

"We actually have 5 pets," I said.

"Oh really?" She asked.

"3 cats and 2 dogs," Taylor said.

"Why don't we sit down and chat," Taylor suggested and she nodded.

"HG why don't we go in the living room?" I asked Hannah and she nodded.

Taylor's POV

I sat at the table with Taryn. She looked intimidating.

"So what the story for you? How did Hannah end up with a world famous musician and a pro NFL player?" Taryn asked.

"She showed up at my performance one night and she was attached at the hip with Travis, she came with no parents. We still hadn't heard the full story." I explained.

"And how has she adjusted the last day or so?" Taryn asked.

"She's a little afraid of me, but she loves Travis, like she won't go anywhere without him. She finds comfort in the pets when she doesn't want to talk to us right away," I said.

"And you two aren't married correct?" She asked.

"That is correct, we haven't been together for more than two week, but we are so in love with eachother and with Hannah that we want to make it work for her and provide her a home and family," I explained. She was taking so many notes.

"Now she mentioned wanted to get her stuff from Alabama, is that a possibility?" I added.


Leaving you guys once again!! See y'all in a few days :) ~Maesie

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