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Travis's POV

It was bright and early 8 am and I had to sneak away to go to practice before tonight big game for Family Night.

I swung by the local gas station and went in to pick up coffee and food for Taylor and Hannah before they wake up.

I walked in to find some of the workers who regularly serve me. They I see one of my cousins who I've been super close to growing up.

"Travis Kelce! My Man! How you doing!?" My cousin Paxton said.

"Being a family man, how are you pal?" I asked.

"I'm good, working still, where you been?" Paxton asked.

"Back in Nashville with my girlfriend Taylor and our daughter and the dogs of course with Taylor's 3 cats," I explained.

"Wow a whole family, proud of you dude," Paxton says and I continued to order.

I drove back home quickly and left the stuff on the counter and wrote a note and headed to practice.

Taylor's POV

I woke up with Hannah wrapped tightly in my arms knowing that Travis was now gone and at practice, I went downstairs to coffee on the table and a drink for Hannah and there was a note as usual.

Good Morning my beautiful girlfriend and wonderful daughter, I have went off for practice, but I will see you guys tonight! Can't wait to see HG all geared up for Dad game! Have fun while I'm gone, I love you both!
~Love Dad "Trav"

I smile. He really tries to make "Dad" happen, and I think he could more so say it then hearing "mom". It makes no sense.

"Tay?" I hear Hannah call.

"Hey babydoll need help?" I asked her as she was at the top of the stairs she nodded. I ran up to her and she hopped down the stairs as my arm was wrapped around me.

"Thanks," she said.

"No biggy hon, your father left you your favorite," I said and she was so happy. She went to the kitchen and read the note, she smiles big, I walk over to her and wrap my arm around her.

"Love you Hann," I said.

"Love you Taylor," she said.

"Okay and today your fathers playing, and his game is at 6, so we have the whole day together, what do you wanna do, the weather is kinda crappy," I said to her.

"I kinda just wanted to stay in and watch a movie on the couch if that's okay?" She asked.

"Course, we can be in our pajamas all day, and just snuggle on the couch how's that?" I suggested.

"That sounds good," Hannah said.

"Want breakfast? You didn't eat last night," I said and Hannah almost avoided the conversation.

"I'll make waffles..." I said waiting for her to gaze back. She looks up and smiles.

"Chocolate?" She questions.

"Chocolate," I say and she nods.

"Alright go lay down and we can eat in the living room," I said and she did.


I came back to the living room after finishing the waffles.

"Hannah Grace do you want apple juice?" I asked her.

"Yes please," she said and I nodded grabbing her a bottle from the fridge. 

I walked back to the living room.

"Can you sit up for a second?" I asked her and she did, I sat down to where she could lean on me.

"Thanks Taylor," Hannah said.

"Your welcome babe, now what do you want to watch?" I asked her.

"So I heard you were an actress?" Hannah smirks at me.

"Of course how did I know you wanted to watch your mom?" I said, Hannah smiled and nodded.

"Alright what movie?" I asked. 

"The Lorax!!" She said.

"My Goodness that's an oldie alright!" I said turning on the movie. She snuggled up to me and I pulled the blanket over us. I kiss the top of her head, man I love this time with my daughter.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now