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Taylor's POV

"She's heavily drugged, that's for sure," I said and Travis lifted her arm and dropped it.

"Oh she's out," my mom chuckled.

"Oh she was so loopy I couldn't help but laugh," I said.

"I know I saw the video," my mom said and I turned to Travis.

"Travis Michael!" I said.

"I had too," Travis said.

"Well come in lay her down, I'll get dinner started," My mom said.

"Mom I can make dinner?" I said.

"Stay with your daughter," my mom said.

Travis and I walked over to the couch, he laid Hannah down elevating her foot.

I sat in Travis arms. We haven't really had a moment to ourselves since Hannah, so now that she's asleep we can just cuddle on the couch.

••• The Next Day

"Ugh!" I heard a groan.

"Hannah, woah you can't get up," I said to her.

"I just wanna be able to walk around, this stinks," Hannah whines.

"I know Hannah, but we can still go to Kansas City this weekend!" Travis said.

"To do what? Push me around in a wheelchair?" Hannah sassed.

"Tone Hannah, I know your mad and aggravated but we're gonna make the best of it, i promise," I said.

"I'm sorry," she said shutting herself down.

"HG, don't cry," Travis said.

"I wish I didn't chase Rambo! We wouldn't have been in this mess and you wouldn't have to waist your time on me," Hannah cried.

"Hannah Grace, this incident was waiting to happen, you are not a waste of our time, you are our number one priority, and we will spend every moment of our lives to make you happy, and healthy," I said she leaned into me and cried.

"We love you kiddo, too much," Travis said. 

"Today we can sit in all day, do absolutely nothing but watch tv and movies and eat food, sound good?" I asked. Hannah gives me a smile.


We went on with the day doing literally nothing but chill on the couch. I decided to call Ed and Selena and Karlie in our group chat.

"Guys I haven't seen you since the game! You gotta come over, I have a surprise," I said.

"You busy today? I can swing by?" Karlie said.

"Yeah, Ed and I were actually bout to go grab drinks but we can swing over?" Selena said.

"Yeah I was just gonna in sit around all day me and Trav, but yeah come over," I said.

"Be over in 20/30" Ed, Selena and Karlie said.

"See you guys then," I said. Hannah was asleep in my arms and Travis was downstairs trying to catch up on the game while she slept.So we just sat and  just watched TV.

Doors Open Come In Be Quiet please! ~Tay

I sat on the couch waiting for everyone. Travis came up cause the game finished.

"Hi Tay?" Karlie said confused.

"Mom Taylor?!" Selena said.

"Oh my gosh," Ed said confused.

"Yeah come sit!" I said. Everyone gathered in the living room, they greeted Travis.

"Taylor Allison, spill!" Karlie said.

"So we met her at the blue bird, she was attached to Travis and she came to us with no parents. I don't even know how they let her in to blue bird by herself. She was timid of me, like she wouldn't even answer my questions and would only respond to Travis," I explained.

"Oh my goodness, a day she's had huh?" Selena asked, point to Hannah's foot.

"Infact she did, she's been with us 4 days, and already fractured her ankle, but it was mainly because of her mom," I said.

"Wait what?" Ed asked.

"Alright, come to the kitchen," I said and I release myself from Hannah and she groaned as I laid her down.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now