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Taylor's POV

"Hello Taylor, this is Taryn Edwards from Social Services, how are you doing today?" She asked.

"I'm well thank you, is there a problem?" I asked.

"No, no problem, we just have some updates for you," She said.

"Okay one moment let me get my boyfriend," I said walking over to the couch.

"Travis, let's go to another room, Taryns on the phone," I said and he nodded.

"Be right back," he said to the guys and we walked into Eds room.

"Sorry about that I have my boyfriend here with me now," I said.

"Alright so first things first, we got a clear from the hazard team that the house is now clear to enter so Hannah can retrieve her stuff from the house when ever you guys decide too. Secondly, Hannah's Dad is out of intensive rehab and moved into a facility for sober living, and he is requesting to see Hannah, but that is all up to you guys to decide if she is ready for that. Third, we have 3 more visits until we can start getting ready to finalize the paperwork to go towards adoption, are you still interested in adopting Hannah and are you considering this a closed adoption as her parents rights have been terminated?" Taryn explained asking and reviewing many things.

I look at Travis and he nods.

"I think Hannah should get a chance to see her father, but we will discuss that with her when she returns. We are 100% on board with Hannah being under or care and looking to adopt her, we want a closed adoption, we don't want her to have any contact with her family until she is ready. Is there any other family we should know about?" I asked.

"That's settled there and Hannah has a older half brother, he's 24, when he was 13,  Hannah was 1, he was sent into a military Concentration boot camp, his name is Paxton Joshua Miller, they have the same biological father, he carried on his moms last name, and he was adopted by his uncle Halston St Ester, he lives in Missiouri," Taryn Explained. Travis looked like he was about to start bawling his eyes out. 

"Hold on a second Taryn," I said and I looked at Travis.

"Travis what?" I asked him.

"I know Paxton... and I know him to well... we're cousin, I just saw him a week ago. We grew up together, his dad is my 1st cousin, but he was gone away for years, so I never knew who he was. I remember the day Uncle Halston made him join the military boot camp, he and I were like brothers, he never mentioned Hannah," Travis said.

"What's going on?" Taryn asked.

"Okay, Taryn, Paxton and I, we're second cousins, His dad is my first cousin, and my dad and his grandfather are cousin, therefore making Hannah and I are blood relatives," Travis said in near tears.

"So that's good, Hannah has family around, and that makes this easier for us, because this could speed up the process, well in that case things should move ahead smoothly have a good night you two" Taryn said.

"Thank you Taryn, Goodnight," Travis and I said and we hung up. Travis was crying and so was I.

"Taylor! I'm back!" Travis and I heard our daughter call and we both wipe our tears and run downstairs.

"Hannah," Travis says hugging her tightly, I let him have his moment.

"What wrong? Are you guys okay? Who died?" Hannah questioned.

"Nothing will explain everything later," Travis said still hugging her.

"Alright, time to go," I said and we said goodbye to everyone as Hannah has school in the morning.

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