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Taylor's POV

We were all sitting around opening gifts and it was the last one... Hannah's adoption certificate.

"So everyone we would like to bring your attention to this moment. As many of you know sometimes moving fast is the way to go but the past 4 months we've been on a roller coaster learning how to not only be eachothers love, but be parents. Now this was not a expected road we were going down but it happened, bringing our girl Hannah Grace, to us. So Hannah, please open," I said.

Hannah's POV

Taylor and Travis handed me a envelope.

"Certificate of Adoption, Nashville Court House Dated on 12/24/2023, to Hannah Marjorie Grace Kelce Swift to the family of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce," I read. All my family was in tears and so was I.

"So HG? What do you say? Are you ready to be a permanent member of this family, forever and ever?" Travis said.

"Of course Dad, forever and always I will be your daughter, and yours to Mom," I said looking at Taylor and Travis. I got up and hugged them tightly.

Taylor's POV

Everyone had left. It was now just me, trav, Hannah and the dogs, plus the cats. Hannah and I were laying on the couch and Trav was in the basement "doing laundry" he was actually doing gifts that we didn't finish... oops.

Hannah was snuggled up to me as we watched the grinch before she headed to bed.

Hannah looks up at me.

"Hey Taylor?" She asked.

"Yes my girl?" I answered.

"So I can call you mom right?" She asks.

"Of course babe, cause that's what I am arent I?" I said.

"Well yeah but you know, you're famous and all it just doesn't feel real, so I'm just checking for self awareness," she said.

"Of course hon, youre your fathers bloodline, you're supposed to come before anyone, your my daughter," I said.

"Thanks Mom, I love you," she said.

"You're welcome baby, I love you more," I said and she fell asleep.

Travis's POV

It was almost 2 am and I was finished wrapping gifts, I went to the living to find my daughter and fiancé asleep.

I rubbed on Taylor's arms and her blue eyes fluttered.

"Oh hey," she said.

"Hey let's get her to bed," I said helping pick up Hannah. Taylor put out the gifts quickly and we began walking upstairs.

A voice groaned.

"Hey hey shhh, daddy's got you, go back to sleep," I said and she leaned into my neck. Taylor smiles from behind and we go to our room.

We both lay down and and look at each other then look at Hannah.

"Goodnight my sweet girl, mommy and daddy love you," Taylor says as we both drifted off to sleep.

••• ~2 months later

Taylor's POV

It's insane how time flies. Hannah has been with us a half a year now. That felt like so long. Paxton has moved into our Nashville home so he could be with his sister, Travis and Paxton see their aunt Josie on occasions but she still hasn't seen Hannah since she came her. Apparently she divorced Rick and he's facing charges but Travis said she's been really nice lately. Hannah's also been doing so great, she's been traveling still with Travis, she loves her dad so much.

Today we fly out to Boston for the Super Bowl coming up this weekend. Travis is home and so is Hannah.

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