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Taylor's POV

We grabbed the dogs and I pushed the cats. Hannah was walking holding on to Travis as we walked down to the ice cream parlor.

"I'll sit with Hannah do you wanna order?" Travis asked me. I nodded.

Travis's POV

Hannah was calmed down, I monitored her ankle, I don't think it's broken, it's probably from over use with her mom.

Taylor came back and we were eating.

"So Hannah hon, I know you've been wanting to get your old stuff right?" I asked her and she nodded.

"So, there's no other way I can tell you this but, your mom, she died from a overdose of fentanyl, and it's all over her room so it's not safe to go in, I'm sorry baby," i explained.

Hannah's POV

I didn't know how to feel. My mom? Dead?

"What about my dad?" I asked.

"He's in intensive treatment and rehab," Travis said.

The weirdest feeling but I wasn't sad? I don't know where my feelings are. I had no idea I would end up here with two celebrities and 5 pets eating ice cream discussing that my biological mother was dead.

"You okay Han? You're thinking over there," Travis said.

"Im not sure," I said. That was all that came out of my mouth.

"Do you want to talk to us? Because you can," Taylor reassured. I shrugged and continued eating my ice cream.


We sat there talking. Travis grabbed one of the cats, Benji of course he's my favorite. And I held him. Taylor and Travis know that'll make me feel better when I don't like talking. 

We went bad to the driver and headed back to Taylor's.

Taylor's POV

We went back to the house and I started on dinner. Travis was working on Hannah's room and Hannah was watching TV. I think things were finally settling down.

Travis came downstairs and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Look at you," he says.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, just watching you be a mom," he said and I kissed him.

"Well things are finally calming down, she's watching TV right now, how is the room looking?" I asked.

"It's good. Paints drying right now," he said.

"That's good, thank you for doing that," I said.

"No problem Taylor, and by the way, there's a family event next week for the football team back in Kanas City, and I thought it would be a good idea to go? Would you want too?" He asked.

"If you can convince your daughter to go then yes, I know she'll listen to you over me," I laugh.

"Sounds like a plan, also, I'm going to check up on her ankle and bring her some ice," Travis said.

"You think it needs to be checked out?" I asked him.

"Probably, will see," Travis said and went to the fridge and grabbed an ice pack.

Travis's POV

I grabbed the ice pack and went to the living room.

"Hey kiddo, lemme see that ankle," I said to Hannah.

She revealed it under the blanket. It was swollen, but not terribly.

"Alright keep it elevated, can you walk on it?" I asked her.

"A little?" She shrugged.

"Well I'm going to get you some Tylenol and hopefully that'll bring the swelling down, that okay with you?" I asked her.

"Yes please thank you," she said and I went upstairs to the bathroom and looked in the cabinet.

"Babe!" I called.

"Yes?" Taylor called back.

"Where's the Tylenol?" I called.

"It's down here, does Hannah need some?" She asked.

"Yeah! Thanks!" I called back making my way downstairs.

"Thank you," I said watching her give Hannah the medicine.

"It's no problem," She said and we both walked into the kitchen.

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