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Taylor's POV

I heard a loud thud.

"TAYLOR TRAVIS!" I heard Paxton call and I ran quickly to him.

I was only in a sports bra and pajama shorts... I walked into the room and Hannah was on the floor shaking.

"HANNAH OH MY GOD," I got down on the floor and turned her on her side.

"Shit, it's a seizure, I'm calling 911," Travis said.

I cried with Hannah leaning back first toward my knees as we waiting for paramedics to arrive. Travis tossed me a shirt so I could finish getting changed.

The paramedics lifted her up onto the stretcher after they got the seizure to stop.

"Two can ride, 1 need to drive," the paramedics said.

"I'll drive," Paxton said and we went out ways. I was in a short sleeve shirt and shorts... it's the middle of winter...Travis gave me his sweatshirt and wrapped his jacket around my legs. Hannah was holding onto my hand as she slept. Poor thing was so drained.


They got Hannah in a room. Poor thing. Her blood pressure dropped causing a non epileptic seizure and she came down with a really bad case of pneumonia.

"I'm going to stay home tomorrow, I can't risk her having another seizure especially with this case of pneumonia too," I said.

"If your staying I am too," Travis said and I looked at him.

"Babe, you can just leave the Super Bowl !? Is that what's important to you?" I asked.

"What's important is right infront of me, my daughter and my fiancé and you too Paxt, you guys are my main priority," Travis said and I kissed him holding Hannah.

"How did you know that was a seizure?" I asked Travis.

"I was in the room when it happened to one of friends sisters before. She's was 2, she had the flu but bad," Travis said.

"You saved our baby Travis," I said.

"That's what I do, protect my family," Travis smiles and hugs me.

The doctor came in.

"We're going to keep her a few hours just to monitor her, she's extremely weak, weaker then before," The doctor said. I rocked Hannah as she was sleeping.


It was 8 am, it's been 2 whole hours, and the unexpected happen. A seizure happened again. This time it lasted longer than the first one. My poor baby. I was sitting next to Travis in the middle of him and Paxton. I leaned into him.

"How did I not notice she was getting sick?" I cried.

"You didn't, and that's okay, she was fine one day and next she was just bad, It happens babe, it's not your fault," Travis reassured.

"And she still is probably becoming scared of me again, I don't want that Travis," I cried.

"Taylor, she's still warming up to us babe, I know it's been a while but you gotta understand where she's coming from," Travis said.

"I know, I just want my baby," I said.

"Mommy?" I heard and I looked up it was Hannah. She never calls me mommy, I mean she's 12, well she calls Travis Daddy, but that's different.

"Hi baby," I said getting up to see her. She wanted me to lay with her so I did.

"It's alright Hannah Marj, Mommas here, shh back to sleep," I said.

"I wanna go home, I want to see Benji," she said.

"We will soon," I said and I was just holding her in my arms. I missed this.


Finally we're going home. We decided that we'd keep Hannah in the house if drops below a certain temperature. She's so weak, just till she gets stronger.

Travis and Paxton cleaned the house and I sat on the couch. Then I heard Travis phone went off.

"Why is Reed calling me?" Travis said.

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