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Taylor's POV ~December~

Today I turn 35! I cannot believe how time has flown! Travis and I have been together over a year now! Our lives couldn't be more crazy! Hannah has adjusted so well to this family and become more comfortable with everything and just life in general.

We were just about to eat cake and do gifts, but we started with gifts, and Hannah gave me a envelope.

"Hannah am I gonna cry?" I asked her.

"Maybe," she said as I opened the long letter.

Dear Mom,
Today you turn 35! And yes I know this day is about you but today I have followed in you gracious husband's footsteps and began this journey of writing letters to express a way of gratitude. But knowing me I will hold everything in till I explode, that's where I take after you. But where to I start, first of all I want to thank you for pushing your life away to take care of me. For someone who was once just a fan of you, and enjoyed life being a swiftie, you would never think that I would be your daughter! I mean not everyone can say "hi I'm Hannah Kelce Swift, the daughter of superstars Taylor and Travis Kelce," that's still unimaginable. Let not forget to mention that I have the label to call you mom. Now I said this I'm my wedding speech that I never thought I would ever get the ability to say anything close to mom, but now I can. Thank you for holding me when things got rough, thank you for getting me through the night when Dad was away at practice, or he would go on trips with Pax, or I just felt like life wasn't treating me right. You were there. You stepped up the moment you met me to become my rock. I know that life has hit you in the wrong ways and raising a 11 year old child at the age of 34 wasn't easy, but you did it. You did it all and today I get to watch you celebrate this next milestone in your life. You are the best mom ever, the bestest of the best and I'm proud to be your daughter! Happy Birthday mom, I love you so much <3
~Your Daughter, 
                             Hannah <3

I looked up at Hannah with tears staining my face.

"Hannah," I said and I hugged her so tight I don't think she could breathe.

"You are the best daughter anyone could ever ask for," I said and kissed her cheek.

"Ugh now that my make up is off, let's do cake," I said and Travis went to go get the cake.


"Happy Birthday Dear Taylor/Mom, Happy Birthday to you," they sang and I blew out the candle and made a wish.


Well well well, this is the last chapter before the epilogue!!

~ Maesie

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