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Hannah's POV

I woke up with a nightmare, all I wanted was Travis. I couldn't understand why I couldn't feel safe around Taylor. I wanted to so bad.

"Do you want waffles HG?" Travis asked me. I nodded politely. Taylor then put her hand on my shoulder. I flinch.

"Oh hon I'm sorry, do you want something to drink?" She asked. I declined.

"So I'm thinking, we go and get some shopping done and then we take Rambo and Chauncey to the dog parks, hmm," Taylor suggested. I nodded.

Taylor's POV

Hannah was sitting in the living room watching TV finally we had a moment to be alone in the kitchen.

"Tree called," I said to Travis.

"And what happened?" Travis questioned.

"I told her about Hannah and the EFG contract that went through," I paused.

"It went through? Already?" Travis asked.

"Yeah, we were granted Emergency Foster Care for Hannah. I got information on the situation and what was happening, her last name is St Ester, and she is the child of Micheal and Elizabeth St Ester, born and lived in Montgomery Alabama," i explained to Travis.

"So we're foster parents?" He smiles. I nodded.

"Wow, this is insane!" Travis said hugging me. I needed that tight hug. Just to reassume things will be fine. My phone buzzed again.

"Moms calling," I said and answered it.

"Hey mom," I said.

"Taylor Allison Swift" She said. Shit.

"I know, I know please don't be mad, but it was for a good cause and," i stopped.

"Taylor, hon, I'm not mad, I'm proud of you," My mom said and I stopped for a moment.

"What?" I questioned.

"You worked through your problems without any hassle. You and Travis may have been together for a little while now but I know you'll work this out! So whose the little munchkin?" My mom asked and I smiled. Travis wrapped his arms around me.

"Hi Andrea! So I must admit, she is a little bit scared of Taylor, she has been through a lot of Trauma with her biological mother.  Her name is Hannah Grace, she's 12, she's a runaway from Alabama," Travis explained.

"Alabama? Scared of Taylor?" My mom questioned.

"It's alright mom, we're working on it, she's got our lives hooked in so many ways, and she LOVES Travis," I said.

"She's definitely a daddy's girl," my mom said.

"That's what I'm saying," Travis said.

"You guys are going to be excellent parents, I'm so proud of you Taylor and I'm proud of you too Travis," My mom said.

"Thanks mom," i said.

"Thanks Andrea, bye now," Travis said and we hung up.

"Let's go on the couch for a bit and then we can get ready to head out," I suggested to Travis.

"Sounds good to me," Travis said and we went back to the living room. Hannah was awake, Olivia was lying down in her lap. I sat down and Hannah actually wanted to lay down WITH ME!! NOT TRAVIS HA!

The dogs came over and got on the couch, and so did the cats, Travis leans into us, and he snaps a picture.

Travis's POV

I went to twitter.

@KillaTrav; The reason I put my career on hold🩵

I look at Taylor admiring her holding Hannah in her arms. She was so peaceful, I couldn't believe what life we got into but I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Taylor got Hannah ready, and I showered and got done. Hannah was laying down on Taylors bed.

"Do you wanna drive Taylor?" I asked her.

"Lets just call a driver, I'm lazy," she laughed and I did.

Taylor and I walked downstairs.

Taylor's POV

Travis and I walked downstairs.

"Scarves, Keys, Purse, im missing something," I questioned.

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