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Hannah's POV ~ 4 Days Later~

Today we were driving to Missouri, it was Family Weekend for Travis's team.

It was 7 AM and i definitely didn't want to be up. Taylor and Travis were both up. I think they knew I was faking my sleep.

"Hannah, we know your awake," Taylor says and I stay there still as can be.

"Hannah, don't make me have to tickle you," Travis said still as I fake slept. I see them coming closer.

"Stop stop stop! I'm up! I'm up!" I defended.

2 days ago I got the pins out of my foot and my stitches and got moved to a boot, now I'm on crutches. But Travis won't let me walk, casually 'foster Dad doesn't want his 12 year old foster daughter to grow up" things.

"Cmon we have to leave soon," Taylor said handing me my crutches.

I hobble my way to the hall way.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?" Travis asked.

"Travis I'm not 5" I told him.

"To me you are," he says. I walk over to Taylor.

"Seriously?" I asked her.

"Your dad loves you to much to watch you grow up," she says.

It's been different hearing "mom" and "dad" be thrown around by Taylor and Travis and hearing "daughter" being said, I'll take it though because all I was ever told for 12 years was I was a slut and a whore.

"I've been here a week, and he's at that point where I'm never going to be able to be out of his sight" I laugh.

"Exactly," she said.

Also I've been getting more comfortable around Taylor and opening up a lot more she's honestly becoming my best friend, she's like a big sister to me, I'm definitely still closer to Travis though, I love that guy. But I still shut myself out and at this point Benji knows. Benji is my favorite cat, he's just so soft and cuddly.

"Girl! Come on!" Travis called.

"You're carrying my luggage Travis!" I said hopping outside to Taylor's car. We're taking the pets to because we're staying at Travis house.


Taylor's POV

I forgot how chaotic it is driving with 5 pets, and a 12 year old. Travis was driving the first 5 hours and I would drive the rest. Hannah was still on the medication so she took it before we left and she laid on me with her leg hanging on the CD compartment. She's been getting better and adjusting well.

Travis kept looking back at us.

"She alright back there?" He asked.

"Cool as a cucumber, she's asleep," I said.

"Good, she was up last night, I don't know if you were awake or not," Travis said.

"I was, I was just letting you handle it this time," I said.

"Was it her foot or a nightmare?" I asked.

"Nightmare, she said she was missing something," Travis said.

"Her bear, she had a bear in the files from her dad," I said.

"I have some things for her when we get there," Travis said and we kept driving.

Travis's POV

We switched and now I was in the back with Hannah. She was half awake.

"Wanna watch my phone?" I asked her, she had the biggest smile and nodded knowing we were gonna watch videos of Taylor.

I see Taylor smile. She has the biggest heart for Hannah, and she loves that. She sees so much of Hannah in herself.

We were watching "Mine" and it really played on our lives now, the relationship, and now a kid that has stolen our hearts right away.

Hannah leans into me.

Softly she whispers.

"I love you guys," And she smiles. I can see Taylor wipe a tear at the stop light and I look at Hannah.

"We love you more Hannah Grace," I said.

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