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Taylor's POV

"Alright, so, oh gosh, the poor thing has been through the ringer, she's a run away from Alabama, and she ended up in Nashville after DCF tried to take her. Her mother was the abuser, and her father was to but only because of the mother, the poor thing was used for show, shackled and everything, she was hung by her hands and feet, starved, STARVED, and she still got here," I paused as I heard Hannah yell.

"TAYLOR!" She cried.

"Go I'll explain the rest," Travis said and I ran to Hannah.

"Hannah? What wrong babe?" I asked.

"It hurts Tay," she cried and I sat down with her and held her.

"You just had your meds a few hours ago, can you wait a little longer?" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"Cmon, I have some people I want you to meet, and I'll make you some dinner," I said.

Travis's POV

"And now we were granted," I continued seeing Taylor with Hannah out of the corner of my eye. I got up and helped Hannah over to the table. I picked her up while Taylor was carefully lying her legs down on her lap.

"Aw look who's awake," Karlie said. Hannah's eyes were stunned to see who was sitting in the kitchen. Benji was near by so I picked him up and let Hannah hold him.

"Am I dreaming?" Hannah asked looking at Taylor.

Taylor and I laugh.

"No you're not dreaming Hannah, you're awake," I said.

"Hi Hannah," Karlie, Ed and Selena said. Hannah waves shyly.

"Hannah this is your Aunt Karlie, Aunt Selena and Uncle Ed," Taylor said.

"Nice to meet you," she says to them.

"She's so precious, I can't," Karlie says.

"I'm going to steal her," Selena said.

"I got a niece to hang out with? Cool!" Ed said. Hannah looks up at me.

"Pinch me," she says. I rub her arm.

"I'm not gonna pinch you crazy girl," I said.

"Keep your feet up, I'm gonna make dinner," Taylor said.

"What do you want Han? I'm gonna make grill cheese and tomato soup?" Taylor asked.

"I want that, just don't burn it," Hannah said laughing.

"What's it with burning things Hannah?" Selena asked.

"It was one time when I was making dinner 2 days ago and I burnt the broccoli, she's holding a grudge," Taylor said.

"I'd like to see Travis and Taylor have a cook off," Ed said.

"I agree with Uncle Ed," Hannah said.

"HG weren't you just comparing about being tired and in pain?" I asked as she's still laying in my lap.

"Yeah but now that I'm awake, I want to talk to people while I wait for my meds again, then I'll be asleep," She said. I hugged her and she smiled.

"She's such a daddy's girl," Selena said.

"Nope not letting it happen!" Taylor called from the kitchen.

"We're at war on that," I laughed.

Hannah's POV

I love my foster parents more and more each day, but I still miss my dad sometimes as much as he hurt me. So hearing Selena call Travis my dad is weird.

Taylor came back to the table.

"Alright eat first and then I'll give you your meds, and then will put you to bed, couch or my room?" Taylor said.

"Ugh, alright, and I wanna be in your room tonight!" I sighed.

"Travis help," I asked, as I couldn't really move over the table.

"Alright alright bossy pants," Travis said and I can hear Taylor giggle.

Travis's POV

Hannah didn't fuss for once about eating. We decided we'd eat later with Ed, Karlie and Selena. Hannah just hasn't eaten since yesterday.

Taylor sat down and we all chatted.

The Boy On The Football Team {Tayvis AU}Where stories live. Discover now