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Taylor's POV

"So Hannah, we have 3 more visits with your Social Worker, so I think your time as our foster daughter is coming to an end," I said and Hannah looked at me like she was going to cry.

"Wha... What?" She whined.

"Yeah so I think we were looking towards adoption? Something to make it permanent so you don't have to leave?" Travis said looking at me going along with the conversation.

"Wait? Really?" Hannah cried. We both nodded.

"You actually want to adopt me?" She asked.

"You are my bloodline and my whole heart, as much as I love being your big cousin, I would love it even more as I was your dad," Travis said.

"And I would love it even more if I was your mom," I said and she hugged the both of us.

"I would love that," she smiled collecting the rest of her things.


We were walking out and Hannah was asking us tons and tons of questions.

"So when do I get adopted?" Hannah asks.

"Well we have to finish the visits and the paperwork work so that could take a couple months," I said.

"Okay and so that means whose last name do I take?" She asks.

"You will have both of our last names, but you will have your dads last name first, so Kelce Swift," I said.

"Are you changing my name?" Hannah asks again.

"Well, we was thinking, what if we added to your middle name?" Travis said.

"Yes! Like what?" Hannah asked.

"Well it could go either way but what if we add Marjorie to your middle name, so it would be either Hannah Marjorie Grace, or Hannah Grace Marjorie, after ," I said.

"After my great grandmother," Hannah said.

"That's exactly right," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Taylor?" She asked.

"Nothing baby, it's just hearing you say that she's your great grandmother makes me a little emotional that's all," I said.

"I love my Nana and Great Nana, I don't know Papa and Uncle Austin we'll but I bet they're great too," Hannah said and I laugh with tears.

"Oh Hannah," I say with a smile.

"Also, I like the first way, it would give a good ring, Hannah Marjorie Grace Kelce Swift," Hannah says and I chuckle.


Time passed by and we made it home, I made dinner and we at together as a family and then we watched a movie.

Soon enough it was time for bed so we crashed in my room and it was time to sleep.

••• Two months later

~December 13TH~

Things have changed around here. Travis has gotten reeled in to playing the Super Bowl in February against the Patriots so he's been in and out of practice, Hannah's been traveling with him so I've been at the house all alone besides getting my work done.

Today I turn 34 and all I wanted was to be home with Hannah and Travis, which they should be returning later in the day.

We had our last visit with Taryn and we're waiting to hear back about the paper work and then we'll take the last of it to court for the final approval of adoption.

Travis and I have been together almost 5 months now and we've had Hannah 4 months. Time feels like it sped by in so little time.

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