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Hannah's POV

I went up to my room, it felt empty but I grabbed clothes and went downstairs and out the back door. It was a hot summer day, sweltering down south, so I began on my run away, through the long woods down the beach, where no end was lead.

Unknown POV

I just happened to go for a drive when I can across the beach about 20 minutes away from my house. I look in the woods to see a child out of breath sitting on a log. I got a closer look to realize it was a child. Moments before I got out of my car, they fell backwards into the stream.

I got out of my car and ran to the child.

"Cmon, cmon, wake up wake up," I said rubbing her arms. She was not waking up. I pulled the child into my arms and ran her to my car.

I drove to the hospital and ran in. The doctor took us right away.

"And your relationship to this girl?" The doctor asked.

"I don't even know her, I just found her like that? She'll be okay right?" I asked.

"She's going to be fine after a few weeks, she suffered a mild heat stroke, so she's going to need to take it easy," the doctor said.

The doctor found a bracelet on her arm with her initials HKS and her birthday 9/13/11, they looked it up in the system.

Taylor's POV

Travis went to hang with Pax, and I received a phone call.

"Hello this is Franklin Medical Center, we have Hannah here, I think you might wanna come in," I heard and everything went silent. Hannah ran away... my heart just about stopped and I okayed and grabbed my keys and headed to the hospital.

Many minutes later I made it an ran in. I didn't have time to tell Travis. I will tell him later as he went to practice. I went up to the floor and went to the door. I opened and to my own eyes I saw someone I never thought I'd see again.

Unknowns POV

I was sitting in the chair, and I heard a voice...

"Joe," I heard and looked up to see Taylor.

Taylor's POV

My ex fiancé. Joe. How and where did he find my daughter.

"You got some explaining to do," I say to Joe.

"Not as much explaining as you do genius," i sassed back.

"I found her passed out in the stream, down by the bay, when I was driving, what's your reason," Joe said.

"Well Joe, maybe if you stuck around you just might have been apart of this, Hannah, is my daughter, we adopted her on Christmas," I said.

"We?" Joe questioned.

"Yes, my husband and I, we adopted his little cousin," I explained.

"You're married?" He questioned.

"Yes, I've been married for 4 months now, why does it matter to you? You left me before you broke up with me," I argued.

"Taylor listened, I'm not here to argue I just wanted you to come and help your daughter so I can leave, I don't want her to see me here, she suffered a mild heat stroke," Joe said.

"Sorry, thank you Joe, you can leave," I said.

"Can we hug?" He asked. I nodded politely.

"Thank you again, for saving my daughter," I said and he left, next thing you know I head running into the room.

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