November 14

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Lily pov-
BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!! Although my alarm has probably been going off for the past 10 minutes I am just now hearing it. I reach over to stop the obnoxious sound. Slowly opening my eyes I look over  *7:45am* perfect. Begrudgingly I pull off the warm blankets and expose my sleepy body to the harsh air conditioned room, taking my time while sitting up I look over at my bedroom window trying to figure out what outfit would do best. This time of year was notorious for cold weather and it seems today would be no different. Finally getting up I begin my walk to the bathroom, walking slightly faster because the hardwood floor was cold this morning.

I start the shower stepping in letting the warm water wash over my body. After my shower was concluded I swiftly got dressed in a tan woven turtleneck to go along with the skinny jeans I had on they pair well with the matching tan boots. I've brushed my teeth and applied my makeup there isn't much left to do. Grabbing my bag and keys I head out the door and down the stairs all the way to my car, it want anything impressive just an old red Honda my aunt  had sold to me it gets me where I need so I love it.
Where I need to go right now is to work at the library I'm aware it seems odd but I prefer the quiet antisocial environment.

After a brisk 20 min drive I'm there and ready to start. It was a short shift only 4 hours so it should be easy, should. About half way through my shift I notice a group of teenagers walk in, it was about four girls all brunette and blushing secretly gossiping about school. They continued their quiet giggling until they reached a table where they sat and started an assignment of some sort. I realized I had been staring to long and decided to take my lunch break. Outside on a bench I took my bag out and opened it revealing my salad from the night before. Opting out I reached for my phone texting Abby

Lily:heyyy we are still going to the bar tonight right?
Abby ❤️:yes absolutely, meet me at my place at 10 so we can pregame okie?
Lily: okay I'll bring some vodka can't wait!!

Turning off my phone I pack up and head back inside slightly more motivated than before wanting to get through the day. With only an hour and a half left it'll go by sooner than expected, just in case however I'll keep myself busy with the endless supply of paperwork needing to be done. My boss Ethan, a short man with long brown hair he was kind most days but as of late his anger was more present and likewise the workload. This time I needed to reorganize misplaced books, simple enough. I started with fiction and quickly moved onto children's books then history after that poetry and lastly the thrillers. I ended with a book entitled 'Her Last Words' usually I'd read the number and put it away but the cover caught my attention it was a simple cover honestly just a field with a single white rose. Still I don't know why I found myself so attached to it, shaking the feeling off I put it back and finish up my work finally clocking out at 2:15pm I walk out of the pale colored building and begin my journey back to the car, there I decide it was time to make a little trip to the dispensary.

The small town in which I reside is located in Colorado so finding a dispensary was relatively easy, my favorite however was Wax Warrior. After only 7 minutes I turn left into the parking lot where I find a spot close to the entrance and park. Fixing my hair I turn off the car and head inside of the building. The aroma of amazing is in the air I am at peace. Perfectly selecting the right bud for tonight was easy and before I know it I'm headed home. Once I do get home I set my alarm for 8:00pm which gives me enough time to get ready and go to the liquor store. After my slow march to the room I crawl in bed pull up the blankets and fall asleep, not before smoking a blunt of course.

Third person pov-
Lily wakes up from her post work nap and begins to get ready for the evening as planned. She puts on a pink mini skirt with a white lace top, her hair is put into two pigtails with half of her hair still down Lily then added two pink long ribbon bows to the top of the pigtails did her make up and put on her heels. After locking the doors and grabbing the essentials Lily starts her drive to the liquor store. She had been going to this particular liquor store since before she was supposed to. There she grabs two bottles of sky vodka and a pink lemonade to chase the alcohol down. Not long after she's at Abby's house.

Lilys pov-
Abby and I have each had roughly four shots and are about to light a blunt when my phone begins to ring, it's an unknown number so I decided not to answer feeling as though it was most likely a scam. We down three more shots each and then call an uber to take us to the bar. The bar in question was new it had just opened up a month ago and was a little bit outside of town the reviews so far are amazing. Abby brought up the idea of checking it out a week ago and I couldn't decline, though I'm sure it's just another excuse for her to hook up with somebody I didn't care I needed an excuse too. An excuse to drink and tonight I was drinking. We payed to get in and headed towards the bar, I quickly ordered another shot while Abby just as quickly found a tall mixed man who was now talking to her and from the looks of it she was happy so I focused my attention back to the drink in front of me, another couple of shots and I feel so good I could run for president, instead I lower my ambitions and instead go to the dance floor momentarily leaving my drink at the bar. At the dance floor I find Abby she's dancing with the same man as before, the music is loud and the bass is deep we all sway and dance to the music in sync. About four songs later I grab Abby arm saying " Hey I'm going to head outside for a second and smoke, are you coming?" Abby replies "Josh and I smoked earlier but I can go with you if you want" I think about it for a second and decide not to make her I wouldn't want to ruin the "fun" with Josh, if that is his name. "No it's okay I'll be back in a few Abby love you" I say "okay Lily are you sure though" "yes Abby I'm sure I'll be back soon okay" after saying that or more so screaming because the music was still blasting I headed outside and grabbed the blunt I had hidden in my purse.

Before lighting it I remembered my drink I had left at the bar and made my way back inside where it no longer was, fortunately the bartender was still there so I asked her for another, happily giving me one she told me that she didn't mean to throw the last away she simply did not want someone to do something to it. Understandable I suppose either way I am back outside now with a blunt in my lips and a cup in my hand. I'm about half way through the drink and quarter of the way through my smoke. I feel amazing so great so that I am now leaning up against the wall it feels cold against my sweaty hot skin, I'm starting to feel dizzy now and a little fuzzy. I'm smart enough to know something's wrong and I know I need to go back inside but I can't move my legs it's like they are made of cement, the blunt falls out my mouth and into the pavement besides my feet, then is when I notice another pair of shoes in front of mine, only they weren't Abby's shoes.

I try to look up at who it was but I can't move my head either, I wouldn't need to though because the person quickly picks me up and throws me over their shoulder swiftly injecting my neck with a needle, it hurt and my eyes felt heavy. Soon sleep took me and I was completely unconscious.

ObsessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora